3) Zhibing Peng, Zhibin Zhang*, Yingdong Ma, Lianhe Fu,Shixiang Qiu, and Fengqi Wei. Novel Congestion Avoidance Mechanism ZigBee-Based Wireless Sensor Network Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2016, v 572, pp 169-178.(EI)
4) Zhibing Peng, Zhibin Zhang*, Shixiang Qiu, and Lianhe Fu. Congestion Alleviation Method ZigBee-Based Wireless Sensor Network Communications in Computer and Information Science,2016, v 572,p p 161-168. (EI)
5) shuailing zhao, zhibin zhang*,deqin xiao. A Turning Model of Agricultural Robot Based on Acceleration Sensor. 5th IFAC Conference on Sensing,Control and Automation for Agriculture,August 14-17,2016,Seattle,Washington, USA.
6) shuailing zhao, zhibin zhang*. A New Recognition of Crop Row Based on its Structural Parameter Model. 5th IFAC Conference on Sensing,Control and Automation for Agriculture,August 14-17,2016,Seattle,Washington, USA.