3、Study on the Effect of Hydrolysis Acidification for Divisional Influent ABR,The 2nd Internation Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engieering,EI收錄,2014.7,第1人
5、Study on Operating Effect for Different Influent Mode of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor,《Energy Procedia》,EI收錄,2013.2,第1人
6、Researchs on Biological Aerated Filter Backwash Process,The 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology,EI收錄,2014.5,第1人
8、Study on the surface flow constructed wetland wastewater treatment of furfural wastewater,《Environment Materials and Environment Management》,EI收錄,2015.8,第1人