1. Liang Xiaohong, Zhao Xuan, Qiu Guofei, et al. Room-temperature synthesis of wurtzite ZnS at the oil--water interface and its photocatalytic performance, Chinese Journal of Engineering, 2015, 37(11),1485—1490. 第一作者
2. Zhenyou Li, Li Xing, Junhui Xiang, Xiaohong Liang*, et al. Morphology controlling of calcium carbonate by self-assembled surfactant micelles on PET substrate, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 31210. 通訊作者
3. Xiaohong Liang, Li Xing, Junhui Xiang, et al. The Role of the Liquid–Liquid Interface in the Synthesis of Nonequilibrium Crystalline Wurtzite ZnS at Room Temperature, Cryst. Growth Des. 2012, 12, 1173−117. 第一作者