1)Xu Yingying, Guan Jiunian. Measurement and analysis of ammonia emission from a pig farm in the Northeast of China. The Journal of Society of Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. 2014, 21(1): 71-77.
2)Xu Yingying, Zhu Hui, Tang Jie. The effects of haze on dew quality in the urban ecosystem of Changchun, Jilin Province, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2016, 188(2), 1-10.
3)Xu Yingying, Yan Baixing, Tang Jie. The effect of climate change on variations in dew amount in a paddy ecosystem of the Sanjiang Plain, China. Advances in Meteorology, 2015.
4)Xu Yingying, Zhu Hui, Tang Jie, Lin Yingzi. Chemical compositions of dew and scavenging of particles in Changchun, China. Advances in Meteorology. 2015.
5)Xu Yingying, Yan Baixing, Zhu Hui. Leaf dew contributes nutrients to paddies and improves rice growth. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science, 63(2): 97-106, 2013.
6)Xu Yingying, Yan Baixing, Luan Zhaoqing, Zhu Hui, Wang Lixia. Application of isotopic Techniques in Identifying the Transformation Among Waters in the Sanjiang Plain. Chinese Geographical Science, 23(4): 435-444, 2013.
7)Xu Yingying, Yan Baixing, Zhu Hui, Guan Jiunian. Dew Condensation Monitoring in a Wetland Ecosystem in the Sanjiang Plain. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22(5): 1351-1356, 2013