近五年來,共發表學術論文30余篇,在Science in China Series E上發表4篇,其中4篇被SCI檢索,全國核心期刊20篇(EI收錄15篇),分別發表在《中國科學》、《工程熱物理學報》、《太陽能學報》上;在研科研課題7項,目前作為負責人承擔省國家自然科學基金項目1項、科技廳項目2項、教育廳項目2項,環保廳項目1項,參與實際工程項目10余項,獲吉林省科技進步獎二等獎1項,吉林省自然科學學術成果獎一等獎1項。
多元件小空間中傳熱自維持振蕩及混沌研究 負責人國家自然科學基金26萬
小型電子設備內傳熱的非線性研究 負責人吉林省自然科學基金6.0萬
嚴寒地區建筑節能型圍護結構及土壤源熱泵適宜性應用技術研究與示范 參與者國家科技計劃項目650萬
復雜構型冷卻過程不規則源匯耦合傳熱建模及其節能強化機理研究 負責人吉林省自然科學基金12萬
吉林省建筑節能指標評價及診斷體系研究 負責人吉林省教育廳“十二五”科學技術研究項目3.0萬
[1] Zhan N Y, Yang Mo, et al. A Two-Dimensional Study on Natural Convection and Heat Transfer in the Enclosure with Heat Transfer and Radiation Coupled in Natural Convection. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(4): 1-9.(SCI)
[2] Zhan N Y, Xu P W, et al. Study on stability and 3-dimensional character for natural convection in a rectangular cavity heated from below. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(6): 1647-1654.(SCI)
[3] Zhan N Y, Gao Q, Bai L, Yang M. Experimental research on nonlinear characteristics of natural convection in a 3-D shallow cavity. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2012, 54.(SCI)
[4] Zhan N Y, Deng Y F, et al.. Experimental Research on Insulation Technology by Plastic Greenhouse in sewage treatment plant of Northeast Region. Journal of Residuals Science &Technology, 2017,1547-8053(14):71-78.(EI)
[5] Zhan N Y, Xu Y. Research on the heat transfer rules of natural convection in a building with single heat source. Procedia Engineering, 2016, 1877-7058(146): 75-82. (EI)
[6] Zhan N Y ,Wang J H. Description of Jilin Province Public Building Energy Efficiency Index Evaluation System. Chemical Engineering Transactions ,2016, 51: 235-240.(EI)
[7] Zhan N Y, Xu Y. Research on Heat-transfer and Three-dimensional Characteristics of Natural Convection in a Small Cavity with Heat sources. International Journal of Heat and Technology, 2015, 33(3): 59-66.(EI)