Detection of Mechanical Properties of Reinforced Concrete Pipes and Affected the Quality of Construction;Cause Analysis and Reinforcement Treatment of Floor Crack in A Certain Residential Building;Reinforced Concrete Sewer Pipes used for Jacking Construction of Experimental Research and Finite Element Analysis;The Rebar Strains Performance Test and Research of All-lightweight Aggregate Concrete Beam-column node under the earthquake action;Analysis and Research on the Stress of All-lightweight Aggregate Concrete Shear Wall with Different Reinforcement Forms;All-lightweight Aggregate Concrete Frame Structure System of Material Mechanics Performance Test and Research;Analysis of beam-column joints destruction form about lightweight energy saving concrete for frame structure system;Study on the strain behavior of steel bar of new lightweight concrete beam column edge joint under quasi-static loading;Experimental study on mechanical properties of steel fiber reinforced all lightweight aggregateconcrete;頂進施工法用鋼筋混凝土排水管施工質量檢測;輕質節能框架結構梁柱中間節點抗震性能試驗研究;全輕混凝土材料力學性能試驗研究;全輕混凝土梁柱邊節點鋼筋應變研究;輕質夾芯外墻板不同連接方式抗剪試驗研究;全輕混凝土剪力墻結構抗震動力特性分析;頂進施工法用鋼筋混凝土排水管整體變形測試與分析;頂進施工法鋼筋混凝土排水管局部變形測試與分析;鋼框架內嵌外墻板連接件抗剪性能研究;全輕混凝土框架結構梁柱節點試驗及破壞形態分析;預制鋼骨架膨石輕型板靜載試驗研究;全輕混凝土剪力墻抗震性能試驗研究;兩端懸挑灌芯裝配式混凝土單向板抗彎承載力試驗研究。