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張志峰, 理學博士,1964年1月生于山東省青島市, 中國海洋大學 教授/博士生導師。
地址:山東省青島市魚山路5號 266003
1982.9 - 1986.6 山東海洋學院 海洋生物系 動物專業/學士
1986.9 - 1989.6 青島海洋大學 海洋無脊椎動物胚胎學/碩士
1996.9 - 1999.6 中國海洋大學 發育遺傳學/博士
1989.7 –2003.12 中國海洋大學/助教-講師-副教授
2003.12- 迄今 中國海洋大學/教授 博士生導師
2002.3 - 2003.2 韓國國立麗水大學/博士后
2005.3 - 2006.2 韓國國立麗水大學/訪問學者
2007.10 -迄今 九三學社中國海洋大學基層委員會/副主委
2007.12 - 2011.12 青島市市南區政協第十一屆委員會/委員
2008.4 -迄今 青島市海外聯誼會/理事
2012.1 -迄今 青島市政協第十二屆委員會/委員
1、生殖與發育 -- 以海洋經濟無脊椎動物為研究對象,從細胞學、生理生化和分子生物學等角度揭示了海葵、單環刺螠、櫛孔扇貝、鹵蟲、中國明對蝦、南美白對蝦和仿刺參等代表物種的生殖系起源和分化、重要器官的發生和功能建立;當前正在以櫛孔扇貝和單環刺螠為代表動物,開展其性別分化、性腺和體節發育以及干細胞相關基因與蛋白的結構、表達和功能研究。
2、硫化物代謝 – 以單環刺螠為代表動物,建立了實驗室和養殖池塘中單環刺螠代謝硫化物和改良底質質量的模式;系統闡述了該物種硫化物氧化代謝關鍵基因的分子特征,揭示了其體內兩條線粒體呼吸鏈電子傳遞途經;當前正在進行單環刺螠硫化物代謝關鍵基因的轉錄調控、相關信號通路在此過程中的作用等研究。
3、細胞體外培養 -- 以櫛孔扇貝為研究對象,突破了貝類細胞在體外難于傳代的瓶頸,可使扇貝幼蟲細胞在體外繼代培養19代;目前正在進行扇貝等無脊椎動物幼蟲和成體細胞的體外轉化和相關應用等研究。
1、 國家自然科學基金面上項目 “參與單環刺螠應對環境硫化物的重要信號通路鑒定和功能分析”,2014-2017,主持;
2、 國家自然科學基金面上項目 “單環刺螠硫化物氧化代謝的分子特征及硫醌氧化還原酶基因的轉錄調控”,2011-2013,主持;
3、 國家自然科學基金面上項目 “單環刺螠硫化物代謝關鍵基因的功能分析”,2008-2010,主持;
4、 國家自然科學基金面上項目 “單環刺螠不同濃度硫化物環境中的呼吸代謝機制”,2006-2006,主持;
5、 國家自然科學基金面上項目 “單環刺螠早期發育的研究”,2003-2005,主持;
6、 國家十二五863課題 “海洋生物細胞分子育種關鍵技術”, 2012-2015,骨干;
7、 國家十一五 863重大項目 “重要海水養殖動物細胞工程育種技術”,2006-2010,骨干;
8、 國家教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金 “vasa基因在蝦貝參生殖系起源、分化 中的表達和功能分析”, 2009-2011,主持;
9、 國家自然科學基金和韓國科技部聯合資助中韓國際合作項目 “單環刺螠生殖生物學”, 2004-2005,中方主持;
10 山東省重點基金 “扇貝性別分化重要基因的鑒定和功能分析”,2008-2011,主持;
11 青島市科技計劃基礎研究項目 “櫛孔扇貝雌性相關基因的克隆和功能分析”,2011-2013,主持;
12 青島市海洋漁業局研發項目 “單環刺螠對青島沿海底質質量改良的研究”,2009-2010,主持。
代表性成果 :
1. Liu Jianguo, Zhifeng Zhang*, Xiaoshi Ma, Shaoshuai Liang, Dandan Yang. Characteristics of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 8 and its potential role in gonads of the Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2014, 141, 77-86.
2. Jianguo Liu, Zhifeng Zhang*, Litao Zhang, Xiaolong Liu, Dandan Yang, Xiaoshi Ma. Variation of estradiol-17β and testosterone levels correlated with gametogenesis in the gonad of Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) gonad during annual reproductive cycle. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2014, 92: 195–204.
3. Litao Zhang, Xiaolong Liu, Jianguo Liu, Zhifeng Zhang*. Characteristics and function of sulfur dioxygenase in Echiuran worm Urechis unicinctus. 2013, PLoS ONE 8(12): e81885.
4. Li Yu, Meng Yan, Juan Sui, Wan-Qiang Sheng,Zhi-Feng Zhang*. Expression pattern of vasa gene and gonadogenesis in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus during early development. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 2013, 80: 744-752.
5. Jian Huang, Litao Zhang, Jinlong Li, Xiaoli Shi, Zhifeng Zhang*. Proposed function of alternative oxidase in mitochondrial sulfide oxidation detoxification in the Echiuran worm, Urechis unicinctus. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2013, 93 (8): 2145-2154.
6. MENG YAN, JUAN SUI, WAN-QIANG SHENG, MING-YU SHAO, ZHI-FENG ZHANG*. Expression Pattern of vasa Gene in Gonad of Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus During Gametogenesis and Reproductive Cycle. Gene Expression Patterns, 2013, 13, 171-176.
7. Faiz Muhammad, Zhi-Feng Zhang*, Ming-Yu Shao, Xiao-Li Shi and Muhammad Shafi. Genesis of hematopoietic tissue and its relation with hemocytes of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) (Crustacea: Decapoda). Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 2013, 33 (1): 91-95.
8. Zhenqui Qin, Yun Li, Dapeng Sun, Mingyu Shao, Zhifeng Zhang*. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the vitellogenin gene in the scallop Chlamys farreri and the effects of estradiol-17<beta>. Invertebrate Biology, 2012, 131(4): 312-321.
9. Yu-Bin Ma, Zhi-Feng Zhang*, Ming-Yu Shao, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Xiao-Li Shi, Li-Tao Zhang. Function of anal sacs and mid-gut in mitochondrial sulfide metabolism from the echiuran worm Urechis unicinctus. Marine Biology Research, 2012, 8, 1026-1031.
10. Yu-Bin Ma, Zhi-Feng Zhang*, Ming-Yu Shao, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Xiao-Li Shi, Li-Tao Zhang. Response of sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase to sulfide exposure in the echiuran worm Urechis unicinctus. Marine Biotechnology, 2012, 14, 245-251.
11. Faiz Muhammad, Zhang Zhi-Feng*, Shao Ming-Yu, Dong Ying-Ping and Muhammad Shafi. Ontogenesis of digestive system in Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) (Crustacea: Decapoda). Italian Journal of Zoology, 2012, 79(1): 77–85.
12. Yu-Bin Ma, Zhi-Feng Zhang*, Ming-Yu Shao, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Zhi Tan, Jin-Long Li. Sulfide: quinone oxidoreductase from echiuran worm Urechis unicinctus. Marine Biotechnology, 2011, 13, 93–107.
13. YU Li, SHAO Mingyu, BAO Zhenmin, HU Jingjie, ZHANG Zhifeng*. Effects of environment factors on initiation of sperm motility in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka). Journal of Ocean University of China, 2011, 10 (2): 165-169.
14. Feng, Zheng-Fu, Zhang, Zhi-Feng*, Shao, Ming-Yu, Zhu, Wei. Developmental expression pattern of the Fc-vasa-like gene, gonadogenesis and development of germ cell in Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis, Aquaculture, 2011, 314, 202-209.
15. MA Zhuojun, BAO Zhenmin, WANG Sifeng, ZHANG Zhifeng*. Sulfide-based ATP production in Urechis unicinctus. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2010, 28 (3): 521-526.
16. WANG Sifeng, ZHANG Zhifeng*, CUI He, Kyoung Ho Kang, MA Zhuojun. The tolerance and metabolic adaptation of Urechis unicinctus (Echiura: Urechidae) to sulfide exposure. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2010, 9 (2): 157-161.
17. Qian-Ru Zhou, Zhi-Feng Zhang*, Ming-Yu Shao, Kyoung Ho Kang. Cloning, characterization and expression analysis of the DEAD-box family genes, Fc-vasa and Fc-PL10a, in Chinese shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis). Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2010, 28 (1): 37-45.
18. Zhifeng Zhang*, Sifeng Wang, Kyoung Ho Kang, Mingyu Shao, Zhuojun Ma. Metobolic adaptation of sulfide and its application in Urechis unicinctus. Journal of Biotechnology, 2008, 136S 535.
19. Ming Yu Shao, Zhi Feng Zhang*, Li Yu, Jing Jie Hu, Kyoung Ho Kang. Cyopreservation of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) sperm. Aquaculture Research, 2006, 37, 1450-1457.
20. Zhifeng Zhang, Mingyu Shao, Kyoung Ho Kang. Classification of haematopoietic cells and haemocytes in Chinese prawn Fenneropenaeus chinensis. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2006, 21,159-169.
21. Zhi Feng Zhang, Ming Yu Shao and Kyoung Ho Kang. Changes of enzyme activity and hematopoiesis in Chinese prawn Fenneropenaeus chinensis (Osbeck) induced by WSSV and zymosan A. Aquaculture Research, 2005, 36 (7): 674-681.
22. Zhifeng Zhang, Mingyu Shao, Kyoung Ho Kang, Zongtao Chen, Jaemin Kim. The study on the cytology and histochemistry of lymphoid organ spheroids in Penaeus chinensis. Aquaculture, 2004, 240, 463-471.
23.張志峰,王華. 一種櫛孔扇貝心臟細胞體外培養的方法. 國家發明專利,申請號:201010258209.x
24. 王華,張志峰. 一種誘導扇貝細胞體外轉化的方法. 國家發明專利,201010258187.7
25. 張志峰,晏萌,季愛昌,畢穎. 一種櫛孔扇貝擔輪幼蟲細胞系的培養方法. 國家發明專利,201210480145.7
26. 晏萌,張志峰,季愛昌,畢穎. 一種櫛孔扇貝擔輪幼蟲細胞解離和分離方法. 國家發明專利,2012105486765
27. 張志峰,晏萌,張立濤,劉建國. 一種單環刺螠改良水產養殖池塘富硫底質的方法. 國家發明專利,20130512742.8