1 論文名稱:Stress and deformation analysis on deep surrounding rock at different time stages and its application,刊物名:International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,級別:EI
2 論文名稱:Bolt support mechanism based on elastic theory,刊物名:International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,級別:EI
3 論文名稱:高溫狀態下泥巖單軸蠕變特性及損傷本構關系研究,刊物名:巖土工程學報,級別:EI
4 論文名稱:加載速率對不同溫度狀態石灰巖力學性能影響的試驗研究,刊物名:中國科技論文,級別:
5 論文名稱:The Mechanical Properties of Mudstone at High Temperatures:an Experimental Study,刊物名:Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,級別:SCI
6 論文名稱:基于尖點突變模型的巷道圍巖屈曲失穩規律研究,刊物名:采礦與安全工程學報,級別:EI
7 論文名稱:Effect of specimen size on energy dissipation characteristics of red sandstone under high strain rate,刊物名:International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,級別:EI
8 論文名稱:Numerical simulation on fault water-inrush based on fluid-solid coupling theory,刊物名:Joural of Coal Science & Engineering(china),級別:EI
9 論文名稱:Boundary Integral Computation of Elastic Water Resisting Key Strata under the Condition of Discontinuous Load,刊物名:CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES,級別:SCI
10 論文名稱:Thermal properties of mudstone at high temperature,刊物名:International Journal of Geomechanics,級別:SCI
11 論文名稱:Effects of Thermal Theatmene on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Coal Measures Sandstone ,刊物名: ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING,級別:SCI
12 論文名稱:Shear creep characteristics and constitutive model of limestone,刊物名:International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,級別:EI
13 論文名稱:Research on gas migration properties in a saturated bentonite/sand mixture under flexible boundary onditions ,刊物名:soild and Foundation,級別:SCI