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基本信息 The basic information
姓名: 郭斌
學院: 計算機學院
學歷: 博士研究生畢業
學位: 博士
職稱: 教授
職務: 院長助理
學科: 計算機科學與技術
工作經歷 Work Experience
郭斌,1980年生,工學博士,西北工業大學計算機學院教授,博導,計算機系統與微電子系主任,普適智能與計算研究所副所長。2003和2006年分別獲得西安交大本科和碩士學位,2009年3月在日本慶應大學獲得博士學位,2009-2011年在法國國立電信學院進行博士后研究。2010年12月以“海外人才引進”的方式,特評為西北工業大學副教授,2014年破格晉升教授,現工作于陜西省嵌入式系統技術重點實驗室 。2012年入選“教育部新世紀優秀人才計劃”,2014年入選“陜西省青年科技新星”,2016年入選國家“萬人計劃”青年拔尖人才。
招生信息 Admission Information
歡迎對物聯網、大數據挖掘和人工智能感興趣的同學報考,詳細研究信息請查看: http://www.guob.org/
科學研究 Scientific Research
主要從事普適計算,移動群智感知,大數據智能等領域的研究。目前承擔國家重點研發計劃、國家自然科學基金、陜西省自然科學基金、陜西省科技發展計劃等課題,參與國家973課題、國家自然科學重點基金等重大項目。擔任《IEEE Communications Magazine》、《ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology》、《IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems》、《ACM Proceedings of IMWUT》、《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics》、《IEEE Internet of Things》等國際權威期刊的編委或客座編委。擔任IEEE國際普適智能與計算會議(UIC'15 )、IEEE人際聯網國際會議(IOP'17)主席,IEEE CPSCom'16, IEEE UIC'13, ANT'14等國際會議程序主席等職務,擔任2018全國普適計算學術會議程序主席。IEEE高級會員,IEEE通訊協會大數據專委委員,中國計算機學會CCF高級會員,CCF《技術動態》編委,CCF 普適計算專委常務委員,CCF大數據專家委員會通訊委員等。
學術成果 Academic Achievements
在國內外重要期刊和會議如IEEE TMC, IEEE THMS, IEEE TITS, IEEE TVT, IEEE IoT, ACM TKDD, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, ACM Computing Surveys, IEEE Comm. Surveys and Tutorials, UbiComp, INFOCOM, ICDM等上面發表學術論文100余篇,三篇論文入選ESI高被引論文,兩篇入選ESI熱點論文。
Full publication list: http://www.guob.org/publication.html
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=VC6N2iQAAAAJ&hl=en
[1] Bin Guo, et al."The Emergence of Visual Crowdsensing: Challenges and Opportunities", IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2017 (IF: 17.188)
[2] Bin Guo, et al."Worker-Contributed Data Utility Measurement for Visual Crowdsensing Systems", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 16, no. 8, 2017, pp. 2379-2391(CCF A類) .
[3] Bin Guo, et al."ActiveCrowd: A Framework for Optimized Multi-Task Allocation in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems", IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 47, no. 3, 2017, pp. 392-403(CCF B類) .
[4] He Du, Zhiwen Yu,Fei Yi, Zhu Wang, Qi Han, Bin Guo."Recognition of Group Mobility Level and Group Structure with Mobile Devices", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2017 (CCF A類) .
[5] Bin Guo, Huihui Chen, Wenqian Nan, Zhiwen Yu, Xing Xie, Daqing Zhang, Xingshe Zhou."TaskMe: Toward a Dynamic and Quality-Enhanced Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowd Sensing",International Journal of Human Computer Studies, vol. 102, no. 6, 2017, pp. 14-26 (CCF A類) .
[6] Huihui Chen, Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu, Liming Chen, Xiaojuan Ma."A Generic Framework for Constraint-Driven Data Selection in Mobile Crowd Photographing", IEEE Internet of Things, 2017.
[7] Bin Guo, et al. "CrowdStory: Fine-Grained Event Storyline Generation by Fusion of Multi-Modal Crowdsourced Data", The 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM UbiComp'17), Full Paper, Hawaii, USA, 2017(CCF A類) .
[8] Di Wu, Dmitri I. Arkhipov, Thomas Przepiorka, Yong Li, Bin Guo, Qiang Liu. "From Intermittent to Ubiquitous: Enhancing Mobile Access to Online Social Networks with Opportunistic Optimization", The 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM UbiComp'17), Full Paper, Hawaii, USA, 2017(CCF A類) .
[9] Yan Liu, Bin Guo, He Du, Chao Chen, Zhiwen Yu. "FooDNet: Optimized On Demand Take-out Food Delivery using Spatial Crowdsourcing", The 23rd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiComp'17), Poster, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 2017(CCF A類) .
[10] Yan Ding, Chao Chen, Shu Zhang, Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu and Yasha Wang. "GreenPlanner: Planning Personalized Fuel-efficient Driving Routes using Multi-sourced Urban Data", IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (IEEE PerCom'17), 2017 (CCF B類) .
[1] Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu, Liming Chen, Xingshe Zhou, Xiaojuan Ma."MobiGroup: Enabling Lifecycle Support to Social Activity Organization and Suggestion with Mobile Crowd Sensing", IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 46, no. 3, 2016, 390-402(CCF B類) .
[2] Zhiwen Yu, Miao Tian, Zhu Wang, Bin Guo, Tao Mei."Shop Type Recommendation Leveraging the Data from Social Media and Location-based Services", ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, vol. 11, no. 1, 2016, pp. 1-21(CCF B類) .
[3] Bin Guo, Huihui Chen, Zhiwen Yu, Xing Xie, Daqing Zhang."PicPick: A Generic Data Selection Framework for Mobile Crowd Photography", SI on Data Intelligence on the Internet of Things,ACM/Springer Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC), vol. 20, no. 3, 2016, pp. 325-335.
[4] Huihui Chen, Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu, Xingshe Zhou."Mobile Crowd Photographing: Another Way to Watch Our World",SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, vol. 59, no. 8, 2016, pp. 1-6.
[5] Bin Guo, Chao Chen, Daqing Zhang, Zhiwen Yu, Alvin Chin."Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing: When Participatory Sensing Meets Participatory Social Media", IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 54, no. 2, 2016, pp. 131-137 (SCI一區).
[6] Yan Liu, Bin Guo, Yang Wang, Wenle Wu, Zhiwen Yu, Daqing Zhang. "TaskMe: Multi-Task Allocation in Mobile Crowd Sensing", The 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM UbiComp'16), 2016(CCF A類) .
[7] Jiafan Zhang, Bin Guo, Qi Han, Yi Ouyang, Zhiwen Yu. "CrowdStory: Multi-layered Event Storyline Generation with Mobile Crowdsourced Data", The 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM UbiComp'16), Poster, 2016(CCF A類) .
[8] Huihui Chen, Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu, Qi Han, Daqing Zhang, Xingshe Zhou. "Toward Real-time and Cooperative Mobile Visual Sensing and Sharing", IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM'16), 2016(CCF A類) .
[1] Bin Guo, et al. "FlierMeet: A Mobile Crowdsensing System for Cross-Space Public Information Reposting, Tagging, and Sharing", IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, vol. 14, no. 10, 2015, pp. 2020-2033 (CCF A類).
[2] Bin Guo, et al. "Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing: The Review of an Emerging Human-Powered Sensing Paradigm", ACM Computing Surveys, 2015 (SCI 1區,ESI熱點和高被引論文 )
[3] Bin Guo, Chao Chen, Daqing Zhang, Zhiwen Yu, Alvin Chin."Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing: When Participatory Sensing Meets Participatory Social Media", IEEE Communications Magazine, 2015 (SCI 1區).
[4] Bin Guo, Alvin Chin, Zhiwen Yu, Runhe Huang, Daqing Zhang."An Introduction to the Special Issue on Participatory Sensing and Crowd Intelligence", ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, vol. 6, no. 3, 2015 (SCI 1區).
[5] Bin Guo, Chao Chen, Zhiwen Yu, Daqing Zhang, Xingshe Zhou."Building Human-Machine Intelligence in Mobile Crowd Sensing", IEEE IT Professional, May/June, 2015.
[6] Zhiwen Yu, Huang Xu, Zhe Yang, Bin Guo."Personalized Travel Package with Multi-Point-of-Interest Recommendation Based on Crowdsourced User Footprints", IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 2015 (SCI 2區,ESI高被引論文).
[7] Zhiwen Yu, Zhu Wang, Huilei He, Xinjiang Lu, Bin Guo. "Discovering Information Propagation Patterns in Microblogging Services", ACM TKDD, 2015 (CCF B類).
[8] Bin Guo, et al. "TaskMe: A Cross-Community, Quality-Enhanced Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowd Sensing", ACM UbiComp'15, Poster, September 7-11, Japan (CCF A類).
[9] Zhiwen Yu, Rong Du, Bin Guo, Tao Gu, Zhu Wang, Daqing Zhang, "Who Should I Invite for My Party? Combining User Preference and Influence Maximization for Social Events," The 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM UbiComp'15), September 7-11, Osaka, Japan(CCF A類) .
[10] Miao Tian, Zhiwen Yu, Zhu Wang, Bin Guo. "Combining Social Media and Location-based Services for Shop Type Recommendation", ACM UbiComp'15, Poster, September 7-11, Japan (CCF A類).
[11] Huang Xu, Zhiwen Yu, Hui Xiong,Bin Guo, Zhuheng Shu. "Learning Career Mobility and Human Activity Patterns for Job Change Analysis", Proc. of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'15), Atlantic City, USA, 2015(CCF B類) .
[1] Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu, Daqing Zhang, Xingshe Zhou, “Cross Community Sensing and Mining,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 52, no. 8, 2014 (SCI 1區).
[2] Daqing Zhang, Leye Wang, Haoyi Xiong, Bin Guo."4W1H in Mobile Crowd Sensing", IEEE Comm. Mag., vol. 52, no. 8, 2014, pp. 42-48 (SCI 1區) .
[3] Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu, Daqing Zhang, Huilei He, Xingshe Zhou. "Toward a Group-Aware Smartphone Sensing System", IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 13, no. 4, 2014 (SCI 2區,普適計算頂級).
[4] Bin Guo, Daqing Zhang, Dingqi Yang, Zhiwen Yu, Xingshe Zhou. Enhancing Memory Recall via an Intelligent Social Contact Management System, IEEE Trans. on Human-Machine Systems, 2014 (SCI 2區).
[5] Chao Chen, Daqing Zhang, Bin Guo, Xiaojuan Ma, Gang Pan, and Zhaohui Wu.“TripPlanner: Personalized Trip Planning Leveraging Heterogeneous Crowdsourced Digital Footprints”, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014 (SCI 1區, CCF B類).
[6] Bin Guo, et al. "FlierMeet: Cross-Space Public Information Reposting with Mobile Crowd Sensing", ACM UbiComp'14, Poster, Seattle, USA, 2014 (CCF A類).
[7] Rong Du, Zhiwen Yu, Tao Mei, Zhitao Wang, Zhu Wang, and Bin Guo. “Predicting Activity Attendance in Event-Based Social Networks: Content Context and Social Influence,” ACM UbiComp’14, Seattle, USA, 2014 (CCF A類).
[8] Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu, Francisco Camara Pereira."An Introduction to the Special Issue on Cross-Community Mining", ACM/Springer Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC), Vol. 18, No. 2, 2014, pp. 351-353 (IF: 1.616)
[9] Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu, Daqing Zhang, Xingshe Zhou."From Participatory Sensing to Mobile Crowd Sensing", IEEE PerCom Workshops, 2014.
[1] Bin Guo, et al.“Opportunistic IoT: Exploring the Harmonious Interaction between Human and the Internet of Things ”, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 36, No. 6, 2013 (ESI高被引和熱點論文).
[2] Bin Guo, Daqing Zhang, Michita Imai. "Toward a Cooperative Programming Framework for Context-Aware Applications". ACM/Springer Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC), Vol. 15, No. 3, 2011, pp. 221-233 (IF: 1.616)
[3] Daqing Zhang, Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu. "The Emergence of Social and Community Intelligence". IEEE Computer, Vol. 44, No. 7, 2011, pp. 21-28 (SCI 2區)
[4] Daqing Zhang, Zhu Wang,Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu."Social and Community Intelligence - Technologies and Trends", IEEE Software,Vol. 29, No. 4, 2012, pp. 88-92 (SCI 2區).
[5] Bin Guo, Daqing Zhang, Zhiwen Yu, Yunji Liang, Zhu Wang, Xingshe Zhou. "From the Internet of Things to Embedded Intelligence", World Wide Web Journal (WWWJ), Vol. 16, No. 4, Springer, 2013, pp. 399-420 (IF: 1.623)
榮譽獲獎 Awards Information
曾獲得教育部自然科學二等獎(2014,排名第三),陜西省自然科學優秀論文二等獎(2016,排名第一),陜西省高等學?茖W技術一等獎(2016,排名第三),IEEE普適智能與計算國際會議(UIC'15)最佳服務獎,IEEE普適與智能計算國際會議(UIC'17)最佳論文獎,IEEE國際物理信息社會融合會議(CPSCom'13)最佳論文獎,IEEE國際物聯網會議杰出組織獎(IEEE iThings'13),國際大數據科學會議最佳論文獎(BigDataSci'14),國際活動媒體技術(AMT'12)最佳論文獎,國際網格與普適計算會議(GPC'12)最佳論文獎,第九、十、十二、十三屆全國和諧人機環境聯合學術會議(HHME'13,HHME'14,HHME'16,HHME'17)最佳論文獎或提名獎等。
2012年入選教育部新世紀優秀人才,2014年入選陜西省青年科技新星,2016年入選國家“萬人計劃” 青年拔尖人才,同年入選西工大翱翔青年學者。