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[2] Suobin Li, Tianning Chen, Xiaopeng Wang*, Yanhui Xi, Yinggang Li, Weihua Chen, Expansion of lower-frequency locally resonant band gaps using a double-sided stubbed composite phononic crystals plate with composite stubs, Physics Letters A, 2016, 2167-2172. (SCI: INSPEC:16402604)
[3] Suobin Li*, Tianning Chen, Xiaopeng Wang*, Yanhui Xi, Lamb waves propagation in a novel metal-matrix phononic crystals plate, Modern Physics Letters B, 2016, (30),1650338. (SCI: INSPEC:16377022)
[4] Suobin Li, Tianning Chen*, Xiaopeng Wang*, Yanhui Xi, Low-frequency band gaps in a double-sided stubbed composite PC plate, the 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Athens, Greece, 10–14, July, 2016. ( EI: 20163802826374)
[5] Suobin Li, Tianning Chen*, Xiaopeng Wang*, Yanhui Xi, Torsional vibration band gaps in the shaft with varying cross section, the 12th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Shenyang, China, 10-12, August, 2016.