劉博士曾在國際管理科學與運籌學頂級期刊《Operations Research》發表文章,并有多篇文章處于審稿狀態,先后參與了多項國家自然科學基金項目。劉博士的研究成果多次在INFORMS,POMS-HK等重要國際會議上陳述,并擔任多個期刊如Naval Research Logistics的審稿人。
個人主頁:http:// yanliu2015.weebly.com/
1. Yan Liu, William L. Cooper, and Zizhuo Wang. Information Provision and Revenue Management in the Presence of Consumer Search Cost. Under review, 2017.
2. Ming Hu, Yan Liu, and Wenbin Wang. Altruistic Rationality: the Value of Strategic Farmers, Social Entrepreneurs and For-Profit Firms in Crop Planting Decisions. Under review, 2016.
3. Yan Liu and William L. Cooper. Optimal Dynamic Pricing with Patient Customers. Operations Research, 63(6), 1307-1319, 2015.