1 論文名稱:Knudsen Effect on the Estimation of the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Thermal Barrier Coatings,刊物名:Journal of Thermal Spray Technology,級別:SCI(000315449200015 1.481)
2 論文名稱:Finite element modelling of the elastic modulus of thermal barrier coatings,刊物名:Surface and Coating Technology,級別:SCI(00031787580002 2.102)
3 論文名稱:A 3D finite-difference model for the effective thermal conductivity of thermal barrier coatings produced by plasma spraying,刊物名:International Journal of Thermal Sciences,級別:SCI(000315313500011 2.742)
4 論文名稱:Effect of thermal treatment on the effective thermal conductivity of YPSZ coatings,刊物名:Surface and Coating Technology,級別:SCI
5.論文名稱:A super-hard superhydrophobic Fe-based amorphous alloy coating,刊物名:Surface and Coating Technology,級別:SCI