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1.Huo, Jing-Si., Han, Lin-Hai, Wang Yong-Chang. Behavior of repaired concrete filled tubular steel joints after exposure to fire, Adnances of Structural Engineering, 2010, 13(1): 1-15.
2.Huo Jingsi, Huang Guowang and Xiao Yan. Effects of sustained axial load and cooling phase on post-fire behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2009, 65(8-9): 1664-1676.
3.Jingsi Huo, Qiu Zheng, Baisheng Chen and Yan Xiao. Tests on impact behaviour of micro-concrete-filled steel tubes at elevated temperatures up to 400°C. Materials and Structures, 2009, 42(10), 1325-1334.
4.Han, Lin-Hai, Huo, Jing-Si., Wang Yong-Chang. Experimental behavior of steel beam to concrete-filled steel tubular column connections after exposure to fire, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2007, 133 (6): 800-814.
5.Han, Lin-Hai, Huo, Jing-Si., Wang Yong-Chang. Compressive and flexural behaviour of concrete filled steel tubes after exposure to standard fire. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2005, 61(7): 882-901.
6.Han, Lin-Hai, Huo, Jing-Si..Concrete-Filled HSS Columns after Exposure to ISO-834 Standard Fire, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2003, 129(1): 68-78
1.張家廣, 霍靜思, 肖巖. 高溫全過程作用后鋼筋混凝土短柱軸壓力學性能試驗研究. 建筑結構學報, 2010 (已接收)
2.鄭秋,霍靜思,陳柏生,肖巖. 不同高溫下鋼管混凝土沖擊力學性能試驗研究. 工程力學,2009, 26(5), 142-147.
3.霍靜思,韓林海. 鋼管混凝土柱-鋼梁節點的力學性能分析.計算力學學報, , 2008, 25(1), 35-40.
4.霍靜思,韓林海. 火災作用后鋼管混凝土柱-鋼梁節點滯回性能試驗研究. 建筑結構學報, 2006, 27(6):28-38.
5.霍靜思,韓林海. 火災作用后鋼管混凝土軸壓與純彎荷載-變形關系曲線實用計算方法探討. 工業建筑, 2006, 36 (11) :6-9.
6.霍靜思,韓林海.ISO-834標準火災作用后鋼管混凝土軸壓剛度和抗彎剛度的研究. 工業建筑. 2004, 34 (1): 21-25.
1.Huo Jing-si, Ren Xiao-hu, B Cheng ai-sheng, Xiao Yan. Dynamic behaviors of concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns under ISO-834 standard fire. 第二屆城市安全學的最前沿研討會-中日峰會, 2010年3月27-29日, 日本神戶.
2.Jingsi Huo, Liping Xiao, Baisheng Chen, Yan Xiao. Tests on impact behaviour of concrete-filled steel tube after exposure to high temperatures. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures (SI09), p.288-292, Oct. 23-25. 2009, Adelaide, Australia.
3.張家廣, 霍靜思, 肖巖. 火災全過程后鋼筋混凝土柱滯回性能試驗研究. 第18屆全國結構工程學術會議論文集第三冊, p. 288-292, 2009年, 11月27-31日, 廣東, 廣州.
4.Jingsi Huo, Liping Xiao, Baisheng Chen, Yan Xiao. Experimental study on impact behaviour of concrete after exposure to high temperatures. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Protection of Structures Against Hazards (4PSH’09), p. 157-163, Oct. 23-25. 2009, Beijing, China.
5.曾翔, 霍靜思, 張家廣, 肖巖. 一種可實施復合升溫的結構柱高溫試驗爐及其在結構抗火試驗研究中的應用. 第三屆全國鋼結構抗火技術研討會論文集,p. 463-468, 2009年10月29-31日,中國,濟南.
6.肖莉平, 霍靜思, 陳柏生, 肖巖. 高溫后鋼管混凝土抗沖擊性能試驗研究. 第三屆全國鋼結構抗火技術研討會論文集,p. 307-312, 2009年10月29-31日,中國,濟南.
7.任曉虎, 霍靜思, 肖巖. 高溫后鋼管混凝土抗沖擊動力特性試驗研究. 中國鋼協鋼-混凝土組合結構分會第十二次年會論文集, p. 213-216, 2009年, 10月15-17日, 福建, 廈門.
8.曾翔, 霍靜思, 肖巖. 火災全過程后鋼管混凝土柱滯回性能試驗研究. 中國鋼協鋼-混凝土組合結構分會第十二次年會論文集, p. 221-224, 2009年, 10月15-17日, 福建, 廈門.
9.Huo Jingsi, Huang Guowang and Xiao Yan. Effects of preload and cooling phase on post-fire behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Steel Concrete Composite and Hybrid Structures (ASCCS09), p.495-500, July 8-10. 2009, Leeds, UK. (ISTP: BMT84)
10.Jingsi Huo, Biyong Xiao, Hui Qu and Linan Wang. FE-based Strength Analysis of Penglai Pavilion. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computational Structural Engineering (CSE’09), p, 603-611, June 22-24, 2009, Shanghai, China.
11.霍靜思, 黃國旺, 肖巖. 有初始應力的鋼管混凝土高溫后作用全過程后軸壓力學性能試驗研究. 鋼結構設計規范實施35周年學術交流會, 2009年4月17-19日, 陜西, 西安: 532-536.
12.Jingsi Huo, Linhai Han and Yongchang Wang. Behavior of Steel Beam to Concrete Filled Tubular Steel Joints after Exposure to Fire. The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14WCEE), Session S19, ID: S19-005, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China.
13.Jingsi Huo, Guowang Huang and Yan Xiao. Effects of sustained pre-load on the residual strength and stiffness of concrete-filled steel tube after exposure to high temperatures. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, Vol. 400-402, pp, 769-774. (The 2nd International Conference On Advances in Concrete & Structures (ICACS2008). Session Ⅷ: 769-774. 19-21 June 2008, Changsha, China). (EI: Accession number: 20090611895129; ISTP: BJH48)
14.Jingsi Huo, Hui Qu. Finite Element Modeling of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Column After Exposure to Fire. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, Vol. 400-402, pp, 775-781. (The 2nd International Conference On Advances in Concrete & Structures (ICACS2008). Session Ⅷ: 775-781. 19-21 June 2008, Changsha, China ). (EI: Accession number: 20090611896089; ISTP: BJH48)
15.Jingsi Huo, Qiu Zheng, Baisheng Chen and Yan Xiao. Experimental study on impact behaviors of concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns. The 6th International Conference on Vibration Engineering (ICVE2008). Session I, 4-5 June 2008, Dalian, China.
16.Jingsi Huo, Qiu Zheng, Baisheng Chen and Yan Xiao. Dynamic behaviors of concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns impacted by drop weight loading. The 4th International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM08), Session T2f, 193. 26-28 May 2008, Jeju, Korea.
17.霍靜思, 胡聰伶, 羅剛, 張家廣和杜運興. 郴州糧油機械廠輕鋼結構廠房倒塌事故調查分析. 2008年特大冰雪災害學術研討會, 88-95. 2008年3月21日,湖南長沙.
18.Huo, Jingsi, Zheng, Qiu, Cheng, Baisheng, Xiao Yan. Impact behaviours of concrete-filled steel tubular stub column at elevated temperatures, the 7th international conference on shock & impact loads on structures, OCT 17-19, 2007 Beijing PEOPLES R CHINA. pp 809-814. (ISTP: BHQ51 )
19.Huo J.S., Huang G.W. and Xiao Y., 2007. Experimental Behaviors of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Stub Columns with Pre-Load after Exposure to High Temperatures.The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, Volume III, 517-522, 5-7 Dec. 2007, Singapore
20.鄭秋,霍靜思,陳柏生,肖巖. 高溫下鋼管混凝土抗沖擊承載力試驗研究. 哈爾濱工業大學學報,第39卷增刊2(中國鋼協鋼-混凝土組合結構分會第十一次年會論文集),2007,8月.519-522 (EI檢索,Accession number: 20074910963069)
21.Huo Jing-Si and Han Lin-Hai. Nonlinear Finite Element Model on Steel Beam to Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Column Connection. The 9th International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Exports, August 18-21, 2006, Fuzhou & Xiamen, China,197-203. (ISTP:IDS Number: BEZ49)
22.Han, Lin-Hai ., Huo, Jing- Si. and Wang, Yong-Chang. (2005). Experimental behabiour of steel beam to concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) column connections after exposure to fire.The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, 13-15 June 2005, Shanghai, China.
23.霍靜思,韓林海. 火災后鋼管混凝土柱-鋼梁節點P-影響因素分析. 哈爾濱工業大學學報,第37卷增刊(中國鋼協鋼-混凝土組合結構分會第十次年會論文集),2005,8月. (EI檢索,Accession number: 05429423214)
Huo Jing-Si and Han Lin-Hai. Parametric analysis of P-Δ relations of steel beam to concrete-filled steel tubular column connection after exposure to fire. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, v 37, n SUPPL. 2, August, 2005, p 429-432 (in Chinese).
24.Han Lin-Hai, Huo Jing-Si and Wang Yong-Chang. Compressive and Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Filled Steel Tubes After Exposure to Standard Fire. The 8th International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Exports, August 20-23 2004, Xi’an, China,572-579. (ISTP: BAZ72)
25.Huo Jing-Si and Lin-Hai Han. Flexural Behavior of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Beams After Exposure to Standard Fire.The 2th International Conference on Steel & Composite Structures,Seoul Korea, September 2-4,2004,1401-1412.