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3.SHAN Bo, ZHOU Quan, XIAO Yan.Construction of world first truck-safe modern bamboo bridge, Modern bamboo structures, 239-246
8.SHAN Bo, XIAO Yan, HUANG Zhengyu. Residual Behavior of FRP Retrofitted RC Columns after Being Subjected to Earthquake Damage, Proceedings of Composites in Civil Engineering, Miami, Florida, USA, pp567-570
9.SHAN Bo, HUANG Zhengyu, XIAO Yan. Shearing Property of Reactive Powder Concrete, Proceedings of Concrete under Severe Conditions Environment and Loading. Seol,Korea,pp1099-1105
10.SHAN Bo, XIAO Yan. Residual Performance Based of As-Build and Retrofitted RC Columns, Proceedings of International Symposium on Confined Concrete, Changsha, Hunan,pp103