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姓 名: | 黃 俊 |
所在單位: | 環境化學教研所 |
職 稱: | 副高級 |
郵寄地址: | 清華大學環境學院 |
辦公電話: | 010-62792598 |
電子郵件: | huangjun@tsinghua.edu.cn |
辦公地點: | 環境節能樓501室 |
教育背景2000.4~2004.1 清華大學環境科學與工程系,工學博士(環境科學與工程)
1997.9~2000.3 南京理工大學化工學院,工學碩士(環境工程)
1993.9~1997.7 南京理工大學化工學院,工學學士(環境監測)
工作履歷2011.01~現在 清華大學環境學院,副研
2008.11~2011.01 清華大學環境科學與工程系,副研(其中:2010.9~2011.8 加州理工學院,訪問學者)
2006.04~2008.11 清華大學環境科學與工程系,助研
2004.04~2006.04 清華大學化學系,博士后(分析化學)
1. 本科生《環境監測》獲2012年清華大學教學成果一等獎(排名第2)
2. 留學生《Advanced Environmental Chemistry》(與余剛教授合講)
- 2011-2012 “部分亞洲國家多氯聯苯管理能力提高和信息交換”首席技術專家(CTA). SAICM快速啟動項目
- 2010-2011. 硫丹污染調查個人技術專家. 聯合國大學(UNU)項目
- 2009-2010. “中國削減和消除全氟辛烷磺酸、其鹽類以及全氟辛烷磺酰氟戰略研究項目項目”,PFOS替代品評估個人技術專家. 加拿大信托基金項目
- 2009-2010. 得克隆(DP)污染調查個人技術專家. 聯合國大學(UNU)項目
- 2007-2009. “中國用于防污漆生產的滴滴涕替代項目”. 有害成分監測方法個人技術專家. 全球環境基金項目
- 2006-2010. “中國多氯聯苯管理與處置示范項目”,PCBs監測個人技術專家. 全球環境基金項目
- 2007. 汞排放工具包中文版個人專家. 聯合國環境署
- 2006. 二惡英排放工具包中文版個人專家. 聯合國環署
1. 氯/溴/氟代POPs廢物的高能球磨機械化學處理技術
2. 基于POCIS被動采樣和質譜聯用技術檢測水中痕量污染物
3. 焚燒/冶金/化工過程二惡英等副產物POPs的生成/排放/控制
4. 全氟化合物(PFOS、PFOA等)的替代品環境友好性評價
1. 鐵硅高能球磨法分解環境高關注溴代阻燃劑及其反應機理研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(批準號:51278270),2013-2016,項目負責人
2. 地下水系統中藥物和全氟化合物監測分析技術研究. 環保公益性行業科研專項重點項目課題(課題編號:201309001-02),2013-2015,課題負責人
3. 土壤中持久性有機污染物的機械化學分解技術開發. 863計劃重大項目(合同號:2012AA06A300)子課題,2013-2015,子課題負責人
4. 新POPs得克隆的機械化學法降解動力學與機理研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(批準號:51078212),2011-2013,項目負責人
1. 機械化學法處理氯代有機工業廢物技術研究與設備開發. 863計劃重點項目課題(合同號:2009AA064001)子課題,2010-2012,子課題負責人
2. 污水處理中烷基酚的生成、歸趨與去除原理,國家自然科學重點基金項目(批準號:50538090)子課題,2006-2009,子課題負責人
3. 粘稠有機質中多溴聯苯醚(PBDEs)的光解研究,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(批準號:20507010),2006-2008,項目負責人
1. 余剛,楊小玲,黃俊. 中國二惡英類持久性有機污染物減排控制戰略研究. 北京:中國環境科學出版社. 2008年4月
2. 余剛,黃俊. 《持久性有機污染物(POPs)知識100問》. 北京:中國環境科學出版社,2005年5月
3. 余剛,牛軍峰,黃俊.《持久性有機污染物——新的全球性環境問題》.北京:科學出版社,2005年3月
4. 王群,張志檁,黃俊,等.《實驗室信息管理系統(LIMS):原理、技術與實施指南》
自2003年起,圍繞持久性有機污染物(POPs)等新興污染物的環境存在、行為與控制開展環境化學研究,發表SCI收錄論文60余篇,其中以第一、二(即學生為第一作者)或通訊作者發表SCI論文32篇,累計被引850余次,單篇最高被引137次,個人H指數為15 (截止2013年3月,ResearcherID號:F-6806-2010)。
(1) Tian Bo, Huang Jun, Wang Bin, et al., Emission characterization of unintentionally produced persistent organic pollutants from iron ore sintering process in China. Chemosphere. 2012, 89: 409-415
(2) Bin Wang, Jun Huang*, Yong Lu, et al., The pollution and ecological risk of endosulfan in soil of Huai’an city, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012, 184: 7093–7101
(3) Jun Huang, Toru Matsumura, Gang Yu, et al., Determination of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs in insulating oil samples from stored Chinese electrical capacitors by HRGC/HRMS. Chemosphere. 2011,85: 239-246
(4) Qian Sui, Jun Huang, Shubo Deng, et al., Seasonal Variation in the Occurrence and Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Different Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes. Environmental Science & Technology. 2011,45(8): 3341-3348
(5) Tingting Zhang, Jun Huang, Shubo Deng, et al., Influence of pesticides contamination on the emission of PCDD/PCDF to the land from open burning of corn straws. Environmental Pollution. 2011,159: 1744-1748
(6) Xue Li, Jun Huang, Wang Zhang, et al., Determination of 41 polybrominated diphenyl ethers in soil using a pressurised solvent extraction and GC-NCI-MS method. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 2011, 91(12): 1135-1150
(7) Qian Sui, Jun Huang, Shubo Deng, et al., Occurrence and removal of pharmaceuticals, caffeine and DEET in wastewater treatment plants of Beijing, China. Water Research. 2010, 44(2): 417-426
(8) Bin Wang, Fukuya Iino, Jun Huang*, et al., Dechlorane Plus Pollution and Inventory in Soil of Huai'an City, China. Chemosphere. 2010, 80(11): 1285-1290
(9) Qian Sui, Jun Huang, Shubo Deng, et al., Rapid determination of pharmaceuticals from multiple therapeutic classes in wastewater by solid-phase extraction and ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2009, 54(24), 4633-4643
(10) Zulin Zhang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Distribution and source of PCBs, PAHs and OCPs in the Tonghui River of Beijing, China. Environmental Pollution. 2004, 130, 249-261
(11) Jun Huang, Zulin Zhang, Gang Yu, et al., Occurrence of dissolved PAHs in Jinsha River (Panzhihua) – upper reaches of Yangtze River, Southwest China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2003, 5: 604-609
(12) Teng Zhang, Jun Huang, Wang Zhang, et al., Coupling the dechlorination of aqueous 4-CP with the mechanochemical destruction of solid PCNB using Fe-Ni-SiO2. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2013, 250-251: 175-180
(13) Yunfei Yu, Jun Huang, Wang Zhang, et al., Mechanochemical destruction of mirex co-ground with iron and quartz in a planetary ball mill. Chemosphere. 2013,90: 1729-1735
(14) Kunlun Zhang, Jun Huang, Wang Zhang, et al., Mechanochemical degradation of tetrabromobisphenol A: Performance, products and pathway, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2012, 243: 278-285
(15) Wang Zhang, Jun Huang, Fuyuan Xu, et al., Mechanochemical destruction of pentachloronitrobenzene with reactive iron powder. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011,198: 275-281
(16) Qian Sui, Jun Huang, Yousong Liu, et al., Rapid removal of bisphenol A on highly ordered mesoporous carbon. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2011,23(2): 177-182
(17) Wang Zhang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu, et al., Mechanochemical destruction of dechlorane plus with calcium oxide. Chemosphere. 2010,81: 345-350
(18) Xiaofeng Chang, Jun Huang, Cheng Cheng, et al., Photocatalytic decomposition of 4-t-Octylphenol by NaBiO3 driven by visible light: catalytic kinetic and corroded product characterization. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010, 173(1-3): 765-772
(19) Xiaofeng Chang, Jun Huang, Cheng Cheng, et al., BiOX (X=Cl, Br, I) photocatalysts prepared using NaBiO3 as the Bi source: Characterization and catalytic performance. Catalysis Communications. 2010, 11: 460-464
(20) Bo Tian, Jun Huang, Shubo Deng, et al., Catalytic decomposition of PCDD/Fs from flue gas. Progress in Chemistry, 2010, 22: 1836-1843
(21) Xue Li, Jun Huang, Gang Yu, et al., Photodestruction of BDE-99 in micellar solutions of nonionic surfactants of Brij 35 and Brij 58. Chemosphere. 2010, 78: 752-759
(22) Lei Fang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu, et al., Quantitative structure-property relationship studies for direct photolysis rate constants and quantum yields of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in hexane and methanol. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2009, 72(5): 1587-1593
(23) Xiaofeng Chang, Jun Huang, Quanyin Tan, et al., Photocatalytic degradation of PCP-Na over BiOI nanosheets under simulated sunlight irradiation. Catalysis Communications. 2009, 10(15): 1957-1961
(24) Xue Li, Jun Huang, Lei Fang, et al., Photodegradation of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether in nonionic surfactant solutions. Chemosphere, 2008,73: 1594-1601
(25) Lei Fang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu, et al., Photochemical degradation of 6 polybrominated diphenyl ether congeners under ultraviolet irradiation in hexane. Chemosphere. 2008,71(2):258-267
(26) Lei Fang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Photochemical degradation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers. Progress in Chemistry, 2008, 20: 1180-1186
(27) Wang Bin, Huang Jun, Deng Shubo, et al., Addressing the environmental risk of persistent organic pollutants in China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China. 2012,6(1): 2-16
(28) Qing Zhang, Jun Huang Gang Yu. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans emissions from open burning of crop residues in China between 1997 and 2004. Environmental Pollution, 2008, 151, 39-46
(29) Qing Zhang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Prediction of soot–water partition coefficients for selected persistent organic pollutants from theoretical molecular descriptors. Progress in Natural Science, 2008,18(7): 867-872
(30) Gang Shen, Jun Huang, Gang Yu. Measurement of the free concentrations of alkyl phenols and bisphenol A to determine their biodegradation kinetics by activated sludge. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2007,52(20): 2766-2770
(31) Jun Huang, Gang Yu, Zulin Zhang, et al., Application of TLSER method in predicting the aqueous solubility and n-octanol/water partition coefficient of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs. Journal of Environmental Science, 2004,16(1): 21-29
(32) Jun Huang, Gang Yu, Xi Yang, et al., Predicting physico-chemical properties of polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDEs): potential organic pollutants (POPs). Journal of Environmental Science, 2004, 16(2): 204-207
(1) 黃俊,王泰,李雪,等. 檢測船舶防污漆中滴滴涕組分的分析方法. 申請號:200810240262.X,授權公告號:CN101435804B,授權公告日:2011.8.17
(2) 黃俊,張望,李錚,等. 一種以鐵和石英砂高能球磨銷毀含氯持久性有機廢物的方法. 申請號:201010580101.2,授權公告號:CN102166577B,授權公告日:2012.10.24
(3) 黃俊, 張望, 徐夫元, 等. 機械化學還原脫氯水處理系統. 申請號:201110021641.1,授權公告號:CN102115252B,授權公告日:2012.5.9
(4) 黃俊,余剛,常曉峰. NaBiO3/BiOCl異質結光催化劑及其制備方法. 申請號:200910023603.2,授權公告號:CN101711988B,授權公告日:2012.5.23
(5) 黃俊,余剛,常曉峰,等. 一種可用于去除水體中酚類內分泌干擾物的光催化劑制備方法. 申請號:200910076490.2,授權公開號:CN101455973B,授權公告日:2010.11.10
(6) 黃俊,張昆侖,余剛,等. 一種基于機械力化學處理全氟和多氟化合物固體廢物的方法. 申請號:201210321589.6(PCT/CN2012/00126),申請日:2012.9.3
(7) 黃俊,余云飛,張望,等. 一種用于廢物處理的序批式機械化學反應器. 申請號:201210160647.1,申請日:2012.5.22