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2002.9—2005.6 中國藥科大學 微生物與生化藥學 博士
2010.9-2011.9 加拿大多倫多大學國家公派訪問學者
2. 國家自然科學基金資助,鯊肝S-8300防治糖尿病作用機制及其基因克隆表達研究
1. 國家海洋863計劃資助,Ⅰ類抗肝炎新藥鯊肝刺激物質HSS的臨床前研究
2. 國家自然科學基金資助,鯊肝HSS的一級結構、基因克隆與防治肝炎的作用機制
3. 國家自然科學基金資助,三明治式抗腫瘤基因靶向載體技術的研究
4. 教育部博士學科點專項基金,重組水蛭素III的新用途與新劑型研究
1. Qian Sheng Pan, Zhi Ping Fang and Feng Jie Huang. Identification, localization and morphology of APUD cells in gastroenteropancreatic system of stomach-containing teleosts. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2000; 6(6): 842-847
2 Lü Zheng-Bing, HUANG Feng-Jie, LI Qian, YE Bo-Ping, WU Wu-Tong. Protective Effects of Shark Stimulator Substance (sHSS) against Acute Hepatic Injury Induced by APP in Mice. ACTA BIOCHIMICA et BIOPHYSICA SINICA, 2003; 35(11): 1051
3.Fengjie Huang, Wutong, Wu. Antidiabetic effect of a new peptide from squalus mitsukurii liver (S-8300) in Alloxan-induced diabetes. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 2005, 32: 521-525.ISSN:0305-18709
4.Fengjie Huang, Wutong, Wu. Antidiabetic effect of a new peptide from squalus mitsukurii liver (S-8300) in Streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2005,57: 1575-1580. ISSN: 0022-3573
5. Feng-Jie Huang,Zheng-Bing Lv, Qian Li, Li-Jun Wei,Liang Zhang, Wu-Tong Wu. Study on Hepatoprotective Effect of Peptide S-8300 from Shark Liver. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2005;11(12):1809-1812; ISSN 1007-9327
6.Advances in biopharmaceutical technology in china. Chapter 2and Chapter 20, September, 2006, Society for industrial microbiology and BioPlan Associates, Inc.
7. Fengjie Huang and Wutong Wu. Study on the antidiabetic mechanism of a shark liver peptide,S-8300, in alloxan-induced diabetes. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2009; 61: 789–794
8 Huang F, Wu W. Purification and characterization of a new peptide (S-8300) from shark liver. J Food Biochem 2010; 34(5):962-970
9.A. Maharaj, L. Zhu, F. Huang, H. Qiu, H. Li, C. Y. Zhang, T. Jin, Q. Wang.Ectopic expression of glucagon receptor in skeletal muscles improves glucose homeostasis in a mouse model of diabetes. Diabetologia (9 February 2012), pp. 1-11, doi:10.1007/s00125-012-2464-x.
10. Fang Zhao*, Fengjie Huang*, Mengxiong Tang, Xiaoming Li, Nina Zhang, Akis Amfilochiadis, Yiming Li, Renming Hu, Tianru Jin ,Chun Peng, and Qinghua Wang. Nodal induces apoptosis through the activation of ALK7 signaling pathways in pancreatic INS-1 β-cells. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. Published online before print May 1, 2012, doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00074.2012 (Co-first author)
電話13770531130 hfj@cpu.edu.cn hfengjie@163.com