Zhang Fa, a native of Chongqing city, was born on the 2th , December in 1954. He was graduated from Sichuan University with bacholor at literature in 1982 and from Peking University with master at aesthetics in 1984 since then he have been a teacher at The Scholl of Philosophy in Renmin University of China. At presence Mr. Zhang is the professor and supervisor of the Doctors and his reseaich field are: aestehtics, aestethic culture and comparative aesthetics. Mr. Zhang is ChangJing scholar awarded by Ministry of Education, a number of of the sixth State Council Subject Senate, and the vice-Chairman of Chinese Aesthetics Society. His published books are mainly following: A Introduction to Aesthetics(thied editon 2011),Chinses Discourse in Aesthetics (2008), A History of Chinese Aestehtics (second editon 2006), A History of Western Aesthetics in 20th Century ( second edtion 2003), Chinese and Western Aesthetics and Their Cultuey Spirits (second edition 2010), A Comparative Study to Aesthetics System Writings between China and West in 20th Century (2008), Chinese Art: Process and Spirit (2003), Literary and Art in Chinese Modernity (2002), Buddhist Art (second edition 2004) ,The Theory of Literature and Art toward the Globalization Age (2005),Chinese Philosophy toward the Globalization Age (2011) and others .