Hongbaon Niu, a native of Mei County, Shaanxi Province. He gained his Ph.D in 1995. . Presently, He is the professor and supervisor of the Doctors in Philosophy Department, Renmin University of China, The Director of Aesthetics and Modern Arts Researching Institute of Renmin University of China. He studies Modern Aesthetics of West, and Comparative Research between Chinese and West Aesthetics, basic theory of aesthetics and art, cross-cultural context hermeneutics, and theory of discourse. Prof. Niu had published Modern Aesthetics of West(2002), Introduction of Aesthetics(2003,2005,2007),The Main streams of Western Aesthetics in 20th Century. Prof Niu have published 60 essays on aesthetics and philosophy。 He had been a visiting scholar at Department of Philosophy of The State University of New York at Buffalo. He was ever obtained the 2th prize of Outstanding Achievements in Philosophy and Social Science of Shandong Province, The Prize of Outstanding Textbook of High Education of Beijing City. Prof. Niu also is a committee member of Aesthetics Society of China, and a member of International Aesthetics Association.