Bin Liang, Wei You, Liangkun Liu, Wenchang Shi, Mario Heiderich. Scriptless Timing Attacks on Web Browser Privacy. IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). 2014.
Jianjun Huang, Xiangyu Zhang, Lin Tan, Peng Wang, Bin Liang. AsDroid: Detecting Stealthy Behaviors in Android Applications by User Interface and Program Behavior Contradiction. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). 2014.
Bin Liang, Wei You, Wenchang Shi, Zhaohui Liang. Detecting stealthy malware with inter-structure and imported signatures. ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS). 2011.
Bin Liang, Subin Xie, Wenchang Shi, Zhaohui Liang, Xiumei Yu, Hong Chen. SVR-Miner: Mining Security Validation Rules and Detecting Violations in Large Software. China Communications, 8(4), 2011:84-98.