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于靖軍:男,1974年2月生,博士,北京航空航天大學機器人研究所,副教授。1998年畢業于燕山大學,獲機械學工學碩士學位,導師為黃真教授;2002年畢業于北京航空航天大學,獲機械設計及理論工學博士學位,導師為宗光華教授;2002.7~2004.6,北京航空航天大學博士后;2005.10~2006.3,獲得日本九州大學”海外青年學者基金”支持,九州大學航空宇航工學部訪問學者;2009.2~2010.2,美國麻省理工學院(MIT)制造與生產力實驗室(Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity)訪問學者;2004.6至今,北京航空航天大學機器人研究所,講師、副教授。主要研究方向為柔性機構與智能結構設計、并聯機器人、精微機械等。作為負責人承擔國家自然科學基金項目3項,已參與或完成其他國家自然科學基金及國家“863”項目10項。近5年來,發表學術論文60余篇,被SCI/EI/ISTP收錄50余篇,獲國家發明專利授權10項。Frontier of Mechanical Engineering編委,承擔IEEE Transactionon Robotics、ASMEJ.Mech.Des.、ASMEJ.Mech.Rob.、Machineand Mechanism Theory,Robotica,《中國科學》,《機械工程學報》,《航空學報》,《光學精密工程》等多個期刊的審稿工作。2004年獲北京航空航天大學校級優秀博士學位論文,2006年入選北京市科技新星計劃,2011年作為副導師指導博士生獲得全國百篇優秀博士學位論文。
2. S.S. Bi, J.J. Yu(通訊作者), and G.H. Zong. “Design, Analysis and Applications of Flexure-based Compliant Parallel Kinematic Machines”. One Chapter in the book ”Parallel Robotics: Recent Advances in Research and Application”, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA. 2008.
3. 于靖軍、劉辛軍、丁希侖、戴建生編著. 機器人機構學的數學基礎,北京:機械工業出版社,2008(2009年重印)
4. 于靖軍主編. 機械原理,北京:機械工業出版社,2013
5. 郭衛東主編,于靖軍、張云文等副主編. 機械原理實驗教程,北京:科學出版社,2014
6. 于靖軍、周艷華、畢樹生譯. 并聯機構構型綜合,北京:機械工業出版社,2013
a) Journal papers
1. J.J. Yu, S.Z. Li, C. Qiu. An analytical approach for synthesizing line actuation spaces of parallel flexure mechanisms, Journal of Mechanical Design, Transaction of the ASME, 2013, 135(6): 12450. (SCI/EI)
2. J.J. Yu, X. Dong, X. Pei, and X.W. Kong. Mobility and singularity analysis of a class of 2-DOF rotational parallel mechanisms using a visual graphic approach, Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, Transaction of the ASME, 2012, 4(4): 041006. (SCI/EI)
3. J.J. Yu, S.Z. Li, H.J. Su, M.L. Culpepper. Screw theory based methodology for the deterministic type synthesis of flexure mechanisms, Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, Transaction of the ASME, 2011, 3(3): 031008. (SCI/EI)
4. J.J. Yu, S.Z. Li, X. Pei, S.S. Bi, and G.H. Zong. A unified approach to type synthesis of both rigid and flexure parallel mechanisms, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2011, 54(5), 1206-1219. (SCI/EI)
5. J.J. Yu, J.S. Dai, S.S. Bi, and G.H. Zong. Type synthesis of a class of spatial lower-mobility parallel mechanisms with orthogonal arrangement based on lie group enumeration, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(1): 388-404. (SCI/EI)
6. J.J. Yu, J.S. Dai, T.S. Zhao, S.S. Bi, and G.H. Zong. Mobility analysis of complex joints by means of screw theory, Robotica, 2009, 27: 915-927. (SCI/EI)
7. J.J. Yu, J.S. Dai, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi. Type synthesis of 3-dof orthogonal translational parallel manipulators based on atlas of DOF characteristic matrix, Progress in Natural Science, 2008, 18: 563-574. (SCI/EI)
8. K. Wu, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, et al. A family of rotational parallel manipulators with equal-diameter spherical pure rotation, Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, Transaction of the ASME, 2014, 6(1): 011008. (SCI/EI) (指導的研究生為第一作者)
9. S.Z. Li, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, and H.J. Su. Conditions for realizable configurations in synthesis of constraint-based flexure mechanisms, Chinese Journal of Mechanical engineering, 2012, 25(6): 1086-1095. (SCI/EI)(指導的研究生為第一作者)
10. X. Dong, J.J. Yu, B. Chen, and G.H. Zong. Geometric approach for kinematic analysis of a class of 2-DOF rotational parallel manipulators, Chinese Journal of Mechanical engineering, 2012, 25(2): 241-247. (SCI/EI)(指導的研究生為第一作者)
11. X. Pei, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi. An effective pseudo-rigid-body method for beam-based compliant mechanisms, Precision Engineering, 2010, 34(3): 634-639 (SCI/EI)(指導的研究生為第一作者)
12. X. Pei, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi. A novel family of leaf-type compliant joints: combination of two isosceles-trapezoidal flexural pivots in series, Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, Transaction of the ASME, 2009, 5(1): ): 021005 (SCI/EI) (指導的研究生為第一作者)
13. X. Pei, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi. “The modeling of cartwheel flexural hinges”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2009, 44(10): 1900-1909 (SCI/EI) (指導的研究生為第一作者)
14. X. Pei, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi, et al. “Analysis of rotational precision for an isosceles-trapezoidal flexural pivot”, Journal of Mechanical Design, Transaction of the ASME, 2008, 130(5): 052302 (SCI/EI) (指導的研究生為第一作者)
15. X. Pei, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi. The modeling of leaf-type isosceles-trapezoidal flexural pivots, Journal of Mechanical Design, Transaction of the ASME, 2008, 130(8): 082303(SCI/EI) (指導的研究生為第一作者)
16. X. Pei, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi. Design of compliant straight-line mechanisms using flexural joints, Chinese Journal of Mechanical engineering, 2014, 27(1): 146-153 (SCI/EI)
17. X. Pei, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi. A family of butterfly flexural joints: Q-LITF pivots, Journal of Mechanical Design, Transaction of the ASME, 2012, 134(12): 121005 (SCI/EI)
18. H.Z. Zhao, S.S. Bi, and J.J. Yu. Design of a family of ultra-precision linear motion mechanisms, Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, Transaction of the ASME, 2012, 4 (4): 041012. (SCI/EI)
19. H.J. Su, H.L. Shi, and J.J. Yu. A symbolic formulation for analytical compliance analysis and synthesis of flexure mechanisms, Journal of Mechanical Design, Transaction of the ASME, 2012, 134(5): 051009. (SCI/EI)
20. H.Z. Zhao, S.S. Bi, and J.J. Yu. A novel compliant linear-motion mechanism based on parasitic motion compensation, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2012, 50: 15-28. (SCI/EI)
21. S.S. Bi, Y.B. Yao, S.S. Zhao, and J.J. Yu. Modeling of cross-spring pivots subjected to generalized planar loads, Chinese Journal of Mechanical engineering, 2012, 25(6): 1075-1085. (SCI/EI)
22. H.Z. Zhao, S.S. Bi, and J.J. Yu. Nonlinear deformation behavior of a beam-based flexural pivot with monolithic arrangement, Precision Engineering, 2011, 35(2): 369-382 (SCI/EI)
23. S.S. Bi, H.Z. Zhao, J.J. Yu. Modeling of a cartwheel flexural pivot, Journal of Mechanical Design, Transaction of the ASME, 2009, 131(6): 061010 (SCI/EI)
24. G.H. Zong, X. Pei, J.J. Yu, S.S. Bi. Enumeration and type synthesis of one-DOF remote-center-of-motion mechanisms, Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2008, 44(12): 1585-1595 (SCI/EI)
25. S.S. Zhao, S.S. Bi, M.L. Su, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong. Novel annulus-shaped flexure pivot in rotation application and dimensionless design, Chinese Journal of Mechanical engineering, 2009, 22(6): 800-809 (SCI/EI)
26. J.J. Yu, W. Li, X. Pei, S.S. Bi, and G.H. Zong. A compound load simulator based on zero-torsion parallel mechanisms, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2012, 7(1): 92-95.
27. 于靖軍、裴旭、畢樹生、宗光華等. 柔性鉸鏈機構設計方法的研究進展,機械工程學報, 2010 , 46(13): 2-13 (EI)
28. 李守忠、于靖軍、宗光華.基于旋量理論的并聯柔性機構型綜合與主自由度分析,機械工程學報, 2010, 46(13): 54-60 (EI) (指導的研究生為第一作者)
29. 裴旭、于靖軍、畢樹生、宗光華. 一維遠程運動中心機構的型綜合,機械工程學報,2009(2):144-148 (EI) (指導的研究生為第一作者)
30. 郭衛東、于靖軍. 一種計算平面機構自由度的新方法,機械工程學報,2013, 49(7):125-129 (EI)
31. 張東輝、畢樹生、于靖軍、裴旭. 一種新型電動復合力加載系統控制方法,航空動力學報,2013,28(1): 54-59, (EI)
32. 徐杰、宗光華、于靖軍、裴旭. 用于復合加載的異形虎克鉸設計與分析,機械設計與研究,2012,28(5): 1-3
33. S.S. Bi, T. Qiao, H.Z. Zhao, J.J. Yu, Stiffness analysis of two compliant pivots used in series elastic actuators, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2012, 36(3): 315-328, (EI)
34. X. Pei, J.J. Yu. A new large-displacement beam-based flexure joint, Mechanical Sciences, 2011, 2, 183–188.
35. X. Pei, J.J. Yu. A visual graphic approach for mobility analysis of parallel mechanisms, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2011, 6(1): 92-95.
36. 趙宏哲、 畢樹生、于靖軍. 三角形柔性鉸鏈的建模與分析,機械工程學報,2009, 45(8):1-5 (EI)
37. 趙山杉、畢樹生、宗光華、于靖軍. 基于曲線柔性單元的新型大變行柔性鉸鏈,機械工程學報,2009, 45(4): 8-12 (EI)
38. 宗光華、裴旭、于靖軍、畢樹生. 一種新型柔性直線導向機構及其運動精度分析,光學精密工程,2008,44(4):630-635 (EI)
39. 宗光華、裴旭、于靖軍、畢樹生等. 雙平行四桿型遠程中心運動機構的設計,機械工程學報,2007,43(12): 103-108 (EI)
40. 宗光華、余志偉、畢樹生、于靖軍等. 直角切口柔性鉸鏈串聯支鏈的屈曲分析,機械工程學報,2007,43(6): 8-13 (EI)
41. 宗光華、余志偉、畢樹生、于靖軍等. 直角切口柔性鉸鏈平行四桿機構的屈曲分析,航空學報,2007,28(3): 729-734 (EI)
b) Conference papers
1. J.J. Yu, D.F. Lu, X.L. Ding, W.D. Guo. Teaching creative mechanism design by integrating synthesis methodology and physical models, The 2013 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences. 2013, Aug 4-7, Oregon, Portland, DETC2013-12173. (EI)
2. J.J. Yu, Z.X. Zhang, and X. Pei. , Motion pattern planning of a quadruped robot based on parallel kinematics, The 2013 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences. 2013, Aug 4-7, Oregon, Portland, DETC2013-12498. (EI)
3. J.J. Yu, S.Z. Li, S.S. Bi, and G.H. Zong. Symmetry design in flexure systems using kinematic principles, The 2013 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences. 2013, Aug 4-7, Oregon, Portland, DETC2013-12385. (EI)
4. J.J. Yu, X.W. Kong, J. Hopkins, M.L. Culpepper, J.S. Dai. The reciprocity of a pair of line spaces, IFToMM2011, June 19-25, Guanajuato, Mexico.
5. J.J. Yu, X. Dong, X. Pei, et al. Mobility and singularity analysis of a class of 2-DOF rotational parallel mechanisms using a visual graphic approach, ASME DETC2011-48274. (EI)
6. J.J. Yu, S.Z. Li, X. Pei, H.J. Su, J. Hopkins, M.L. Culpepper. Type synthesis principle and practice of flexure systems in the framework of screw theory part I: general methodology, ASME DETC2010-28783. (EI)
7. J.J. Yu, X. Pei, S.Z. Li, H.J. Su, J. Hopkins, M.L. Culpepper. Type synthesis principle and practice of flexure systems in the framework of screw theory part II: numerations and synthesis of large-displacement flexible joints, ASME DETC2010-28794. (EI)
8. J.J. Yu, X Pei, M. L. Sun, S. S. Zhao, S.S. Bi, and G.H. Zong. A new large-stroke compliant joint & micro/nano positioner design based on compliant building blocks, ASME/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2009), 22-24 June, 2009, London, UK,409-416 (EI/ISTP)
9. J.J. Yu, X. Pei, S.S. Bi, G.H. Zong. Derivatives, generalizations, and applications of parallelogram linkage mechanisms, CCMMS2008, 146-148
10. J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi, et al. A New Family of Large-Displacement Flexural Pivots, ASME International DETC2007, Las Vegas, USA. (EI)
11. J.J. Yu, J.S. Dai, X.J. Liu, S.S. Bi, and G.H. Zong. Type synthesis of 3-dof orthogonal translational parallel manipulators based on atlas of DOF characteristic matrix, ASME International DETC2006, 30th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, 2006 (EI)
12. J.J. Yu, S.S. Bi, and G.H. Zong, J.S. Dai, X.J. Liu. Mobility characteristics of a flexure-based compliant manipulator with three legs, IROS2006, Beijing, 1076-1081(EI/ ISTP)
13. K. Wu, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, et al. Type synthesis of 2-dof rotational parallel manipulators with an equal-diameter spherical pure rolling motion, The 2013 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences. 2013, Aug 4-7, Oregon, Portland, DETC2013-12305. (EI)(指導的研究生為第一作者)
14. S.Z. Li, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, et al. A compliance-based compensation approach for designing high-precision flexure mechanism, ASME DETC2012-71018. (EI) (指導的研究生為第一作者)
15. K. Wu, J.J. Yu, S.Z. Li, et al. Type synthesis of two degrees-of-freedom rotational parallel mechanisms with a fixed center-of-rotation based on a graphic approach, ASME DETC2012-71028. (EI) (指導的研究生為第一作者)
16. S.Z. Li, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, et al. Development of a reconfigurable compliant education kit for undergraduate mechanical engineering education, ASME/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2012), Tianjin, 2012. 105-116 (EI)(指導的研究生為第一作者)
17. C. Qiu, J.J. Yu, S.Z. Li, H.J. Su, Synthesis of actuation spaces of multi-axis parallel flexure mechanisms based on screw theory, ASME International DETC2011, DETC2011-48252.(EI) (通訊作者)
18. S.Z. Li, J.J. Yu, X. Pei, H.J. Su, J. Hopkins, M.L. Culpepper. Type synthesis principle and practice of flexure systems in the framework of screw theory part III: numerations and type synthesis of flexure mechanisms, ASME DETC2010-28963 (EI)(指導的研究生為第一作者)
19. X. Pei, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi. The modeling of leaf-type isosceles-trapezoidal flexural pivots, ASME International DETC2007, Las Vegas, USA. (EI) (指導的研究生為第一作者)
20. X. Pei, J.J. Yu, S.S. Bi, G.H. Zong. Enumeration and type synthesis of one-DOF remote-center-of-motion mechanisms, IFToMM2007, Jun 17-21, 2007, Besancon, France. (指導的研究生為第一作者)
21. Y.F. Qu, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi. Classification and type synthesis of deficient-DOF parallel/hybrid compound load simulator with a specified load pattern, The 2013 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences. 2013, Aug 4-7, Oregon, Portland, DETC2013-12411. (EI)
22. X.W. Kong, D. Chablat, S. Caro, J.J. Yu, et al. Type synthesis of kinematically redundant 3T1R parallel manipulators, The 2013 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences. 2013, Aug 4-7, Oregon, Portland, DETC2013-12575. (EI)
23. X. Pei, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi. A family of butterfly flexural joints: Q-LITF pivots, ASME International DETC2011, DETC2011-48394. (EI)
24. X.W. Kong, J.J. Yu, and C.M. Gosselin. Geometric interpretation of singularity configurations of class of parallel manipulators, ASME International DETC2011, DETC2011-48165. (EI)
25. H.J. Su, H.L. Shi, and J.J. Yu. Compliance analysis and synthesis of flexure mechanisms, ASME International DETC2011, DETC2011-48013. (EI)
26. X. Pei, J.J. Yu. A new large-displacement beam-based flexure joint, The Second International Symposium on Compliant Mechanisms, May 20, 2011, Delft, The Netherlands, CoMe2011-13
27. M.L. Sun, J.J. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi. A microscopic multi-view based workcell for wafer-level microassembling, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2006),December 17-20, 2006,Kunming,China, 1582-1587 (EI/ ISTP)
28. H.Z. Zhao, S.S. Bi, and J.J. Yu, and G.H. Zong. The performance characteristics analysis of cross-spring pivot as a rotational element, ASME International DETC2008, New York, USA. (EI)
29. S.S. Zhao, S.S. Bi, and J.J. Yu, X. Pei. Curved beam flexure element based of large deflection annulus figure flexure hinge, ASME International DETC2008, New York, USA. (EI)
30. Z.W. Yu, G.H. Zong, S.S. Bi, J.J. Yu. Buckling analysis of a 2-DOF parallel mechanism composed of right-angle-notch flexure universal hinges. International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006, China, Hangzhou, 1514-1520 (EI)
31. M. Jia, J.J. Yu, S.S. Bi, and G.H. Zong. Analysis for stiffness of large-deformation flexure hinge and its application, ASME International DETC2005, 29th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, 2005 (EI)