2 Li Bin and Wu Songping, Large Eddy simulation of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layer, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering.
3 Wang Hao, Wu Songping, and Lu Ye, An Iterative Method for Hypersonic Chemically Reacting Flows, Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics.
4 Song-Ping Wu and Chun-Hian Lee, A High-Resolution, Adaptive-Grid Finite Difference Algorithm for Simulating Supersonic Jet/External Flow Interactions, IUTAM: Seperated Flows and Jets.
7 Qian Xiang(相倩), Song-ping Wu(吳頌平), Chun-hian Lee(李椿萱), Ning Cao(曹寧), Low-diffusion preconditioning scheme for numerical simulation of low-speed flows past airfoil, Appl. Math. Mech.-Eng. Ed. (應用數學與力學-英文版), 2011, 32(5): 613-620
近五年代表性學術論文:Low-diffusion preconditioning scheme for numerical simulation of low-speed flows past airfoil,Low-diffusion Preconditioning Roe's Scheme and Simulation of Low-speed Flows。