An optimal insurance strategy for an individual under an intertemporal equilibrium. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. 2008, 42(1): 255-260. (with Chongfeng Wu, Shengping Zhang, Xuejun Huang)
Optimal Insurance under the Insurer’s Risk Constraint. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. 2008, 42(3): 992-999. (with Chongfeng Wu)
Optimal Insurance in the presence of insurer’s loss limit, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. 2010, 46(2): 300-307 (with Wenfeng Wu, Chongfeng Wu)
Optimal Insurance under the Insurer's VaR Constraint. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review. 2009, 34(2): 140-154(with Chongfeng Wu)
An Exact Algorithm for the Type-constrained and Variable Sized Bin Packing Problem. Annals of Operations Research..2009, 172(1): 193-202 (with Chongfeng Wu, Yun Feng)