[1] Hing-Po LO, Maria M.Y. LI and Hong-Zhi LIN, (2006). Modeling the activity-travel pattern of residents: formulation and empirical Analysis. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of HKSTS, 173-182. (CPCI檢索)
[2] Hong-Zhi LIN and Hing-Po LO, (2007). Activity-travel-based Lifestyle Classification. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of HKSTS, 265-273. (CPCI檢索)
[3] Hong-Zhi LIN, Hing-Po LO and Xiao-Jian CHEN, (2008). Modeling departure time choice for non-workers: a random coefficients hazard model. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of HKSTS, 157-166. (CPCI檢索)
[4] Hong-Zhi LIN, Hing-Po LO and Xiao-Jian CHEN, (2009). Lifestyle classifications with and without activity-travel patterns. Transportation Research Part A, 43 (6), 626-638. (SCI&SSCI檢索, ESI社會科學總論一區)
[5] Hong-Zhi LIN, Fan-Kong TSANG and Hong K. LO, (2010). Mass transit development and emissions: Hong Kong case study. The 12th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Lisbon, Portugal.
[6] Hong-Zhi LIN and Hong K. LO, (2010). On the composite utility of a choice set. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of HKSTS, 227-233.(CPCI檢索)
[7] F. K. TSANG, Hong-Zhi LIN and Hong K. LO, (2010). Sensitivity of pricing policies on traffic congestion and emissions. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of HKSTS, 149-156.(CPCI檢索)
[8] Feng ZHU, Hong-Zhi LIN, Hong K. LO and Alexis Kai-Hon LAU, (2010). Cell-based congestion and emission modeling for signalized intersections. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of HKSTS, 807-813.(CPCI檢索)
[9] Feng Zhu, Hong K. Lo, Hong-Zhi LIN, (2013). Delay and Emissions Modeling for Signalized Intersections, Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 1:2, 111-135.(SCI&SSCI檢索)