謝麗,女,加籍華裔,加拿大麥基爾大學(McGill University)圖書情報學碩士、今年大不列顛哥倫比亞大學(UBC)檔案學碩士和文件管理博士。先后在麥基爾大學、不列顛哥倫比亞省律監會、UBC圖書館以及加拿大聯邦政府旅游委員局擔任數字信息管理工作。2004年起承擔大型國際科研項目主要研究任務,參與InterPARES、Digital Records and Public Trust等科研項目8項,獨立完成 Information Management Crisis in the Canadian Federal Government 等科研項目12項,并自2009年起擔任UBC信息學院兼職教授。在包括SCI、SSCI、EI等收錄的國際一流期刊上發文20余篇,參加國際會議發言20余次。2013年9月加入中國人民大學信息資源管理學院,主要研究方向數字信息本質、管理及應用。現開設學院英語課程(如Advanced Digital Records Management, Digital Library Theories and Practices)。2014-15年主要科研項目包括:
2、Public Trust & Digital Records Management
3、Cloud Computing & Digital Records Management
1、“National Strategy for Digital Records: Comparing the Approaches of Canada and China,” International Journal of Information Management. 2013, 33 (4) (SSCI)
2、“Digital Records Management: The Lacking Foundation for Continuing Accessibility,”Online Information Review. 2012, 36 (2) (SCI)
3、“Knowledge Management & Records Management: Establishing Relationships for Common Development,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Barcelona, Spain: Science and Technology Publications. (CPCI)
4、“Building Foundations for Digital Records Forensics: A Comparative Study of the Concept of Reproduction in Digital Records Management and Digital Forensics,” American Archivist. 2011, (74) (A+ archival journal)
5、“Designing and Implementing Information Systems for Records: The Approach Based on Business Process Analysis,” Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Engineering and Information Management. 2011 (EI)
6、“Electronic Records Management: The Missing Player in the eGov Movement,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on e-Government 2008 Melbourne, Australia: RMIT University (CPCI)
7、2006. Program Evaluation of EDRMS in a Canadian Municipality. UBC Press, Vancouver, Canada
8、2013. The Nature of Records and The Information Management Crisis in the GC. UBC CiRcle. Vancouver, Canada.