5. 2008 IEEE機器人、自動化與機械電子國際會議,出版主席 (Intel Conf. on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, Publication chair);
6. 2008 IEEE控制論與智能系統國際會議,出版主席 (Intel Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Publication chair);
7. 2009 IEEE/ASME先進機械電子國際會議,出版主席 (Intel Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Publication chair);
8. 2011流體傳動與機械電子國際會議,出版主席 (Intel Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics, Publication chair);
9. 2012 IEEE 工程與技術可持續性發展國際會議,國際顧問委員會委員(The 3rd IEEE Conference on Sustainable Utilization and Development in Engineering and Technology, International Advisory Committee);
10. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics, International Journal of Sensors and Actuators, International Journal of Measurements,International Journal of Mechatronics等重要國際期刊評委。