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研究方向:1.重金屬污染修復; 2. 微量元素(重金屬)與農產品品質安全; 3.富硒農產品和硒肥研發。
涂書新 博士,教授,博士生導師。1991年獲華中農業大學“植物營養”專業農學碩士學位,1999年獲浙江大學“生物物理”專業理學博士學位。華中農業大學資源與環境學院實驗教學中心主任,湖北省人大常委會城鄉建設和環境資源保護研究會理事,湖北省土壤肥料學會第九屆理事會常務理事、秘書長,湖北省土壤肥料學會第十屆理事會常務理事,湖北省核學會理事,中國原子能農學會常務理事、示蹤專業委員會副主任,《核農學報》編委,《中國油料作物學報》編委,多家國際國內刊物《Plant and Soil》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《農業環境科學學報》、《作物學報》等論文評閱人。多次出國學習和交流,其中2001年1月至2003年8月在美國佛羅里達大學從事微量元素生物地球化學博士后研究。
[1].含鐵錳礦/水界面砷的吸附和氧化復合作用機制研究(國家自然科學基金,41471407, 2015-2018,課題負責人)
[3].優質高效富硒農產品關鍵技術研究與示范(農業部公益性行業科研專項, 201303106,2013-2017,子課題負責人)
[4].“核技術農業應用”子課題“農田土壤重金屬污染控制與修復”(農業部公益性行業科研專項, 200803034,201103007,2008-2015,華中地區負責人)
[5].叢枝菌根共生體系中砷的遷移、轉化及與宿主抗砷毒的關系 (國家自然科學基金,41103035,2012-2014,課題參加人)
[7].農田生態系統植酸的環境地球化學研究(國家自然科學基金, 41071309,2011-2013,課題負責人)
[8].化能異養型和自養型亞砷酸氧化菌的砷感應與表達調控分子機理 (重點國際(地區)合作與交流項目, 31010103903,課題參加人,2011-2013)
[9].應用73As示蹤技術研究叢枝菌根對土壤砷生物有效性的影響(浙江大學農業部核農學重點開放實驗室基金,課題負責人, 2010-2011)
[10].施肥模式對稻麥農田環境及土壤生物學性質的影響(國家973項目子課題, 2007CB109308,2007-2011,項目參加人)
[11].云南典型煙葉的指紋圖譜特征及在煙葉質量分類和評價中的應用研究 (云南省煙草煙葉公司重點攻關項目,2009YN010,2009-2011,課題負責人)
[12].礦質營養調控烤煙煙堿的機制研究與應用 (湖北中煙攻關項目,鄂煙科[2009]1號,2009-2011,課題負責人)
[17].超級雜交稻”最優管理規程(Best Management Practice, BMP)”研究與示范(2005AA201C46,湖北省科技廳攻關課題, 2005-2007,主持)
[22].籽粒莧富鉀機制的研究(農業部核農學重點開放實驗室(浙江大學)開放基金, 1996-1999,主持)
[23].城郊農田高效多熟耕作制肥水運籌技術與環境保護的研究(湖北省科技廳攻關課題, 1995-1999,主持)
[24].雙季稻養份歸還模式與環境污染的研究(湖北省科技廳攻關課題, 1991-1995,主要參加人)
[26].應用磷同位素示蹤技術研究石灰性土壤磷素形態,轉化和有效性(中國科學院南京土壤所開放實驗室基金, 1990-1992,主持)。
[1]. 1998年獲得湖北省科委科技進步三等獎。獲獎項目:應用核技術研究石灰性土壤磷素形態及其對植物磷營養的貢獻。(第二名)
[2]. 1998年獲得農業部科技進步二等獎,獲獎項目:六種農用化學物質在環境中的行為研究。(參與獲獎)
[3]. 1997獲得國家科委科技進步三等獎,獲獎項目:六種農用化學物質在環境中的行為研究。(參與獲獎)
[1].Contaminant removal by ferns via foliar application and excised/ground fronds. Issue date June/27/2006.US patent No. 7,066,982.
[2].發明專利:王革嬌,劉顏軍,涂書新 "凈化重金屬污染的芽胞桿菌MK3-1及用途".公開號: CN101429486。專利號:ZL 2008 1 0197901.9
[3].閆鐵軍;何結望;吳風光;司 輝;孫敬國;涂書新.一種烤煙醇化品質判定的高效液相指紋圖譜分析方法(公開號:CN101661023);專利號:CN2008 1 0196807.1
[4].閆鐵軍 何結望 吳風光 司輝 孫敬國 涂書新 一種烤煙醇化品質判定的高效液相指紋圖譜主成分分析方法。公開號::CN101661024專利號:CN2008 1 0196806.7
[5].司 輝;閆鐵軍;何結望;吳風光;謝 豪;涂書新;張允政;孫敬國。用煙葉pH檢測值判定烤煙醇化質量的方法(公開號: CN101685092);專利號: CN200810197049.5
[6].發明專利:涂書新;馬琳;黃永柄;張小明;龍曉燕“一種修復地下水砷污染的滲透反應墻材料及制備和用途”。 公開號::CN101695650A。專利號:ZL 2009 1 0272494.8
[7].發明專利:涂書新;張敏;廖曉勇;閻秀蘭;馬琳;曹環;黃永柄 “一種適用于土壤砷的化學固定材料及用途”。 公開號::CN101695711A。專利號:ZL 2009 1 0272496.7
[8].涂書新;張小明;馬琳;黃永柄;龍曉燕。一種沸石改性方法及在水除砷中的用途。公開號:: CN101920190A; 專利號:ZL 2010 1 0203314.3
[9].涂書新;龍小燕;秦艷艷;黃永柄;馬琳;張小明. 一種活性炭改性材料及在水除砷中的用途。公開號::CN101920191A; 專利號:ZL 2010 1 0203318.1
[10].涂書新;黃永炳;李小娟;馬琳;張小明;龍曉燕. 一種錳礦改性方法及在地下水滲透反應墻除砷中的應用。公開號::CN101920188A; 專利號:ZL 2010 1 0203313.9
[1].Yan Xiulan, Zhang min, Liao xiaoyong, Tu shuxin.2012. Influence of amendments on soil arsenic fractionation and phytoavailability by Pteris vittata L. Chemosphere, Accepted.
[2]Xuelong Wang, Shuxin Tu*,Xiaoli Wang, Jiahui Kang, Xuhong Tang, Wenjuan Wei, Mengxiang Peng, Guan Guan 2012. Effect of Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrition on Nicotine and Nutrient Accumulation during Topping Stage of Nicotiana tabacum L. International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment-JFAE. Accepted.
[3].Qian Yang, Shuxin Tu, Xiaoyong Liao, Xiulan Yan, Gejiao Wang. 2012. Arsenate reducing bacteria enhancing phytoremediation efficiency of polluted soils using Pteris vittata. International J. of Phytoremediation.12:89-99.
[4].黃永炳,涂書新 2011 含鐵錳礦去除水體砷的效果及其影響因子研究。礦物巖石地球化學通報,30(4)增刊:461.
[5].吳佳,謝明吉,楊倩,涂書新.2011.砷污染微生物修復的進展研究.環境科學. 32(3):.817-823
[6].馬琳,涂書新. 2011. 水體除砷材料的篩選及其化學成分特征研究. 水處理技術,37(1): 68-72。
[7].馬棟,廖曉勇,閻秀蘭,金京華,涂書新. 2011. 工業污染場地土壤苯系物的檢測方法比較研究. 環境科學. 32(3):842-847
[8].趙丹,閻秀蘭,廖曉勇,涂書新,施啟文. 2011.不同化學氧化劑對焦化污染場地苯系物的修復效果. 環境科學. 32(3):849-856
[9].賈炎, 涂書新, 唐世榮. 植酸和幾種抗氧化物質對自由基清除作用的比較研究,華中農業大學學報,2011,30(3)1-5
[10].孫敬國,矣躍平,唐徐紅,袁仕信,何云燕,劉磊,尹曉東,何結望, 李琳,李相朋,涂書新. 煙草指紋圖譜技術的研究進展和展望. 湖北農業科學,錄用待刊。
[14].許汝冰,謝志堅,李進平,涂書新,陳振國,郭莉,于洋,龍小燕. 2011,烤煙產量、產值及氮肥利用率(15N)與海拔高度和移栽期的關系研究. 江西農業大學學報33( 3) : 0425 - 0431
[15].Huang YB, Wang, LL, Tu, SX, Liu, XY, Li, XJ and Li, Y. 2011. Influence of Various Factors on Arsenic Removal Using Ferruginous Manganese Ore. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 71-78: 2753-2758.
[16].Yan JIA, Shi-rong TANG, Xue-hai JU, Li-na SHU, Shu-xing TU, Ren-wei FENG, Lorenzino GIUSTI. 2011. Effects of elevated CO2 levels on root morphological traits and Cd uptakes of two Lolium species under Cd stress. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B (Biomed & Biotechnol) 12(4):313-325.
[17].Feng Ren-Wei, Wei Chao-Yang, Tu Shu-Xin, Tang Shi-Rong, Wu Feng-Chang. 2011. Simultaneous hyperaccumulation of arsenic and antimony in Cretan brake fern: Evidence of plant uptake and subcellular distributions. Microchemical Journal 97: 38-43.
[18].Feng Ren-Wei, Wei Chao-Yang, Tu Shu-Xin. Tang Shi-rong, Wu Feng-chang. 2011. Detoxification of antimony by selenium and their interaction in paddy rice under hydroponic conditions. Microchemical Journal 97 : 57-61
[19].Jingguo Sun , Jiewang He*,Fengguang Wu,Shuxing Tu*, Tiejun Yan, Hui Si and Hao Xie. 2011. Comparative Analysis on Chemical Components and Sensory Quality of Aging Flue-cured Tobacco from Four Main Tobacco Areas of China. Agricultural Sciences in China (ASC). 10(8): 1222-1231
[20].Tu, S, L. Ma, and B. Rathinasabapathi. 2011. Characterization of phytase from three ferns with variable arsenic tolerance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49 (2): 146-150.
[21].Ma, Lin; Tu, Shuxin. 2011. Arsenic removing from water by two types of nano TiO2 crystals. Environmental Chemistry Letters. 9(4 ): 465-472.
[22].Ma, Lin; Tu, Shuxin. 2011. Arsenic removal from water using a modified rutile ore and the preliminary mechanisms. Desalination and Water Treatment. 32: 445-452.
[23].Guan Guan, Shuxin Tu, Juncheng Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, Li Yang . 2011. A field study on effects of nitrogen fertilization models on nutrient uptake, crop yield and soil biological properties in rice-wheat rotation system. Agricultural Sciences in China (ASC). 10(8): 101-105.
[24].Guan Guan, Shuxin Tu, Juncheng Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, Li Yang. 2010. The Effects of slow-release nitrogen fertilization models on soil biological properties in rice-wheat cropping system. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 8(3&4): 736-740
[25].Yan Jia, Shirong Tang, Ruigang Wang, Xuehai Ju, Yongzhen Ding, Shuxin Tu, Donald L. Smith. 2010. Effects of elevated CO2 on growth, photosynthesis, elemental composition, antioxidant level, and phytochelatin concentration in Lolium mutiforum and Lolium perenne under Cd stress. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 180(1-3): 384-394.
[26].吳佳,涂書新.植物根系分泌物對污染脅迫響應的研究進展. .2010. 核農學報24(6) :1320-1327.
[27].涂書新,吳佳.植物根系分泌物研究方法評述.生態環境學報.2010, 19(9):2493-2500.
[28].朱文達; 曹坳程; 涂書新; 袁友民; 王明銳; 2010 .紫莖澤蘭對大蒜產量的影響及其經濟閾值。華中農業大學學報, 29(3):295~299
[29].張宇飛; 馮翰林; 趙保平; 張凱; 王剛; 賀麗; 涂書新; 2010. 江漢平原水稻穗部畸形病的發生原因探析。湖北農業科學, 49(6): 1356-1372;
[30].Xiong J, Wu L, Tu S, Van Nostrand JD, He Z, Zhou J, Wang G. Microbial communities and functional genes associated with soil arsenic contamination and rhizosphere of the arsenic hyper-accumulating plant Pteris vittata L. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2010, 76: 7277-7284.
[31].Tu S. and L. Ma. 2011. Phosphorus fractions, phytate content and in vivo activity of phytase in Pteris vittata under arsenic stress. Chemesphere, submitted.
[32].Jingguo Sun, Tiejun Yan, Shuxing Tu. 2010. Establishment and application of enzymological models for predicting quality of fluecured tobacco. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.8 (1) : 326-331
[33].Feng Ren-Wei, Wei Chao-Yang, Tu Shu-Xin, Wu Feng-Chang, Yang Ling-Sheng. 2009. Antimony accumulation and antioxidative responses in four fern plants. Plant Soil, 317:93-101
[34].Feng Ren-Wei, Wei Chao-Yang, Tu Shu-Xin, Sun Xin. 2009. Interactive effects of selenium and arsenic on their uptake by Pteris vittata L. under hydroponic conditions. Environ Exp Bot, 65(2-3): 363-368.
[35].Feng Ren-Wei, Wei Chao-Yang, Tu Shu-Xin, Wu Feng-Chang. 2009. Effects of Se on the essential elements uptake in Chinese brake fern. Plant Soil, 325:123-132.
[36].馬琳,涂書新. 2009. 含砷廢水修復技術的研究現狀和展望. 工業水處理,29(7):1-6.
[37].孫敬國,涂書新. 2008. 烤煙醇化過程中酶的作用與變化特征研究進展. 湖北農業科學,47(10):1207-1211.
[39].李進平,謝志堅,涂書新,等.移栽期和氮肥(15N)對烤煙煙堿含量及煙堿氮素來源的影響.植物營養與肥料學報2010 16 (3期): 714-719;
[41].謝志堅,涂書新,李進平,等.2010. 基肥(15N)施用時間對烤煙產量、產值及氮素利用率的影響.核農學報(錄用)2009中國核學會論文集出版
[42].Tu S, Sun J and Z Guo. 2007. Effect of Oxalic Acid on Potassium Release from Typical Chinese Soils and Minerals. Pedosphere, 17(4): 457-466.
[43].Liwen Lin,Weicheng Bei, Yonggang Sha, Jinlin Liu, Yi Guo,Weihong Liu, Shuxin Tu, Qigai He, Huanchun Chen. 2007. Construction and immunogencity of a ∆apxIC/∆apxIIC double mutant of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serovar. FEMS Microbiol Lett 274: 55-62.
[44].Mitchell CC and S Tu. 2006. Nutrient Accumulation and Movement from Poultry Litter. Soil Sci Soc Am J 70:2146-2153
[45].周明,涂書新,孫錦荷,郭智芬.2005. 富鉀植物籽粒莧(Amaranthus spp.)對土壤礦物鉀的吸收利用研究. 核農學報,19(4):291-296
[46].涂書新, 魏朝陽. 2004. 我國生物修復研究現狀和展望. 地理科學進展. 23(6):20-32.
[47].Tu, S., L.Q. Ma, A.O. Fayiga and E.J. Zillioux. 2004. Phytoremediation of Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater by an Arsenic Hyperaccumulating Fern Pteris vittata L. International J. Phytoremediation 6(1): 35-47.
[48].Bondada, B.R., S. Tu and L. Q. Ma. 2004. Absorptionn of foliar-applied arsenic by the arsenic hyperaccumulating fern (Pteris vittata L.). Sci. Total Environment. 332 : 61- 70.
[49].Tu, S., L. Q. Ma, G. E. MacDonald and B. Bondada. 2004. Effects of arsenic species and phosphorus on arsenic absorption, arsenate reduction and thiol formation in excised parts of Pteris vittata L. Environmental and Experimental Botany 51(2): 121-131.
[50].Tu, S, L. Ma, B. Bondada. 2004. Comparison of Arsenic and Phosphate Uptake and Distribution in Arsenic Hyperaccumulating and Nonhyperaccumulating Fern. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 27 (7): 1227-1242.
[51].Tu S and L. Ma. 2004. Root exudates and arsenic accumulation in arsenic hyperaccumulating Pteris vittata and non-hyperaccumulating Nephrolepis exaltata. Plant and Soil, 258 (1): 9-19.
[52].Chen, R., B.W. Smith, J.D. Winefordner, S. Tu, G. Kertulis, and L.Q. Ma. 2004. Arsenic speciation in Chinese brake fern by ion-pair high-performance liquid chromatography - inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. Analytica Chemica Acta. 504:199-207.
[53].Tu, S and L. Ma. 2003. Interactive effects of pH, arsenic and phosphorus on uptake of As and P and growth of the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. under hydroponic conditions. Environmental Experimental Botany 50(3):243-251.
[54].Tu S, Sun JH and Guo ZF. 2000. Genotypic variations in kinetics of potassium absorption and utilization of soil and applied potassium by Amaranthus spp. Pedosphere, 10(3):215-219
[55].涂書新,孫錦荷,郭智芬 2000 植物根系分泌物與根際關系評述。土壤與環境,9(1):64-67.