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個人學習經歷:2000年畢業于華中農業大學,獲學士學位,隨后繼續在華中農業大學碩博連讀,2006年獲博士學位,并留校任教。2007年,赴荷蘭Wageningen大學PRI研究中心進行項目合作研究。2014-2015年作為訪問學者赴美國Texas A&M University進行交流。
獲獎及榮譽:目前,發表學術論文30余篇,其中SCI 論文10余篇。主持選育的華甘3號和華甘5號2個甘藍新品種,通過了湖北省品種審定委員會審定。參與選育了華番2號,3號,11號,12號和13號等番茄新品種,參與申請專利4項,獲教育部科技進步2等獎,華耐園藝科技獎各一項。
1.Wang S, Lu G, Hou Z, Luo Z, Wang T, Li H, Zhang J, Ye Z. Members of the tomato FRUITFULL MADS-box family regulate style abscission and fruit ripening. J Exp Bot. 2014, 65(12): 3005-3014.
2.Luo Z, Zhang J, Li J, Yang C, Wang T, Ouyang B, Li H, Giovannoni J, Ye Z. A STAY-GREEN protein SlSGR1 regulates lycopene and beta-carotene accumulation by interacting directly with SlPSY1 during ripening processes in tomato. New Phytol., 2013, 198: 442-452
3.Rachid Loukehaich, Taotao Wang(Co-first author), Bo Ouyang, Khurram Ziaf, Hanxia Li, Junhong Zhang, Yongen Lu and Zhibiao Ye. SpUSP, an annexin-interacting universal stress protein, enhances drought tolerance in tomato. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63(15): 5593–5606
4.Li J, Sima W, Ouyang B, Wang T, Ziaf K, Luo Z, Liu L, Li H, Chen M, Huang Y, Feng Y, Hao Y, Ye Z. Tomato SlDREB gene restricts leaf expansion and internode elongation by downregulating key genes for gibberellin biosynthesis. J Exp Bot 2012, 63: 6407-6420
5.Liu H, Ouyang B, Zhang J, Wang T, Li H, Zhang Y, Yu C, Ye Z. Differential modulation of photosynthesis, signaling, and transcriptional regulation between tolerant and sensitive tomato genotypes under cold stress. PLoS ONE 2012, 7: e50785
6.Yongen Lu, Bo Ouyang, Junhong Zhang, Taotao Wang, Chen Lu, Qinqin Han, Shengnan Zhao, Zhibiao Ye, Hanxia Li. Genomic organization, phylogenetic comparison and expression profiles of annexin gene family in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Gene, 2012, 499: 14–24
7.Qinqin Han, Junhong Zhang, Hanxia Li, Zhidan Luo, Khurram Ziaf, Bo Ouyang, Taotao Wang, Zhibiao Ye. Identification and expression pattern of one stress-responsiveNAC gene from Solanum lycopersicum. Mol Biol Rep, 2012, 39:1713–1720
8.Yang Changxian, Li Hanxia, Zhang Junhong, Luo Zhidan, Gong Pengjuan, Zhang Chanjuan, Li Jinhua, Wang Taotao, Zhang Yuyang, Lu Yong ’ en, and Ye Zhibiao. A regulatory gene induces trichome formation and embryo lethality in tomato. PNAS, 2011, 108(29): 11836-11841
9.Yang C, Li H,Zhang J, Wang T, Ye Z. Fine-mapping of the woolly gene controlling multicellular trichome formation and embryonic development in tomato. Theor Appl Genet. 2011, 123(4):625-33
10.Zhang C, Liu J, Zhang Y, Cai X, Gong P, Zhang J,Wang T, Li H, Ye Z. Overexpression of SlGMEs leads to ascorbate accumulation with enhanced oxidative stress, cold, and salt tolerance in tomato. Plant Cell Rep, 2011, 30(3):389-98
11.Khurram Ziaf, Rachid Loukehaich, Pengjuan Gong, Hui Liu, Qinqin Han, Taotao Wang, Hanxia Li and Zhibiao Ye. A Multiple Stress-Responsive Gene ERD15 from Solanum pennellii Confers Stress Tolerance in Tobacco. Plant Cell Physiol. 2011, 52(6): 1055–1067
12.Pengjuan Gong, Junhong Zhang, Hanxia Li, Khurram Ziaf Changxian Yang Chanjuan Zhang, Xiaohui Zhang, Taotao Wang, Yuyang Zhang, Zhangjun Fei and Zhibiao Ye. Transcriptional profiles of drought-responsive genes in modulating transcription, signal transduction and biochemical pathways in tomato. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2010,61(13):3563-3575
13.Liying Zhang, Rugang Chen, Yuyang Zhang, Junhong Zhang, Taotao Wang, Hanxia Li, Zhibiao Ye*, Ectopic expression of tomato SlMi confers resistance to root knot nematode in lettuce. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2010, 28: 204-211
14.Taotao Wang, Hanxia Li, Junhong Zhang, Zhibiao Ye. Initiation and development of microspore embryogenesis of recalcitrant purple flowering stalk (Brassica compestris ssp. chinensis var. purpurca Hort.) genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae 2009, 121: 419-424
15.Taotao Wang, Hanxia Li, Yongen Lu, Zhibiao Ye. Identification and Diverse Distribution of S Haplotypes in Brassica Vegetables. Scientia Horticulturae 2007, 112: 271-277
16.王濤濤,Maarten A Jongsma,余楚英,李漢霞,張俊紅,楊長憲,葉志彪. 番茄茸毛相關基因ShMYB1的克隆與表達分析. 農業生物技術學報,2011,19(3): 407-416
17.王濤濤,蔡曉峰,張俊紅,李漢霞,葉志彪. 芥菜型油菜雄性不育系與甘藍的遠緣雜交胚培養與育性鑒定. 園藝學報, 2010, 37(10): 1661-1666
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