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歡迎自然地理、大氣、地質和環境等相關專業的學生報考或聯系推免攻讀研究生。已畢業碩士12名, 博士5名;在讀碩士研究生6名,博士生3名
2006中國科學院寒區旱區環境與工程研究所, 博士后。
l 國家自然科學基金重點項目(41130102),2012.1-2016.12,中國西北干旱區末次冰期/間冰期氣候環境變化的模式和機制,參加;
l 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃項目(2010CB950202),2010-2015末次盛冰期以來我國氣候環境變化及干旱-半干旱區人類的影響與適應,參加;
l 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金,2013--2014年,蘭州白銀區域大氣污染治理研究,負責人;
l 國家自然科學基金(41071125),2011-2013,中國北方地區大氣降塵磁學特征時空變化研究,負責人;
l 教育部博士點科研基金(博導類),2010-2013,中國西風區全新世環境變化黃土磁學性質記錄(20100211110001),負責人;
l 國家自然科學基金(40871090),2009-2011,中國西風區粉塵/黃土磁學特征及其氣候記錄—以天山黃土為例,負責人;
l 國家自然科學基金,2006-2008,城市顆粒污染物磁學特性研究-以蘭州市大氣降塵和街道塵埃為例,執行人;
l 國家自然科學基金重點基金(90502008),2006-2010,中國西部干旱半干旱區全新世氣候變化的集成研究,參加;
l 國家自然科學基金,2005-2007,西北地區粉塵/表土環境磁學特征及其代用指標研究,負責人;
l 國家自然科學基金,2005-2007,阿拉善高原-黃土高原全新世重大干旱事件(側重釋光年代),參加。
1. Xia, DS, Wang B, Yu Y, Jia J, Nie Y, Wang X, Xu SJ, 2014. Combination of magnetic parameters and heavy metals to discriminate soil-contamination sources in Yinchuan - A typical oasis city of Northwestern China. Science of the Total Environment, 485: 83-92.
2. Xia DS, Jia J, Zhao S, Wei HT, Chen FH, 2014. Out-of-phase evolution between summer and winter East Asian monsoons during the Holocene as recorded by Chinese loess deposits. Quaternary Research, 81(3): 500-507.
3. Xia DS, Jia J, Wei HT, Liu XB, Ma JY, Wang XM, Chen FH, 2012. Magnetic properties of surface soils in the Chinese Loess Plateau and the adjacent Gobi areas, and their implication for climatic studies, Journal of Arid Environments 78: 73-79.
4. Xia DS, Yu Y et al., 2011,Use of environmental magnetic techniques to monitor urban pollution origins in Lanzhou, Northwest China, Environ Earth Sci, 64:1943–1949 .
5. Xia DS, Chen FH, Bloemendal J, Liu XM, Yu Y, Yang LP, 2008, Magnetic properties of urban dustfall in Lanzhou, China, and its environmental implications, Atmospheric Environment, 42(9): 2198-2207.
6. Xia DS, Chun X, Bloemendal J, Chiverrell RC and Chen FH, 2007, Use of magnetic signatures to correlate tephra layers in Holocene loessial soil profiles from a small region, SE Iceland. Environment Geology, 51(8): 1425-1437.
7. Xia DS, Yang LP, MA JY, Yu Y, Wang G, Chen FH,2007,Magnetic property of Lanzhou dustfall and its implication in urban pollution, Science in China(D), 50(11): 1724-1732.
8. Xia DS, Jin M, Liu XM, Chen FH, Ma JY, Zhao H, Wang XM and WEI HT, 2007, A preliminary study on the magnetic signatures of modern soil in Central Asia, Frontiers of Earth Sciences in China,1(3):275-283.
9. Xia DS, Bloemendal J, Chiverrell RC, Dearing JA, Jin M,2004,Use of environmental magnetic measurements to characterize and correlate tephra ---a case study in Iceland,Chinese Science Bulletin,49(3):286-294.
10. Li GH, Xia DS, Jin M, Jia J, Liu JB, Zhao S & Wen YL, 2014. Magnetic characteristics of loess-paleosol sequences in Tacheng, northwestern China and their paleoenvironmental implications, Quaternary International., doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2014. 08.002.
11. Li GQ, Wen LJ, Xia, DS, Duan YW, Rao ZG, Madsen DB, Wei HT, Li FL, Jia J and Chen FH, 2015, Quartz OSL and K-feldspar pIRIR dating of a loess/paleosol sequence from arid central Asia, Tianshan Mountains, NW China. Quaternary Geochronology, 28: 40-53.
12. Wang B, Xia DS, Yu Y, Jia J, Xu SJ, 2014. Magnetic properties of urban soils from typical oasis cities and their environmental implications. Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 57(3): 891-905.
13. Wang B, Xia DS, Yu Y, Jia J, Xu SJ., 2014. Detection and differentiation of pollution in urban surface soils using magnetic properties in arid and semi-arid regions of northwestern China. Environmental Pollution, 184(SI):335-346.
14. Wang B, Xia DS, Yu Y, Jia J, Xu SJ, 2013. Magnetic properties of river sediments and their relationship with heavy metals and organic matter in the urban area in Lanzhou, China. Environmental Earth Sciences,2012,DOI: 10.1007/s12665-012-2144-7.
15. Wang B, Xia DS, Yu Y, Jia J, Xu SJ, 2013. Magnetic records of heavy metal pollution in urban topsoil in Lanzhou, China. Chin Sci Bull, 2012, 57, doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-5404-8.
16. Jia J, Xia DS, Wang B, et al., 2013. The investigation of magnetic susceptibility variation mechanism of Tien Mountain modern loess: pedogenic or wind intensity model? Quaternary International. 296:141-148
17. Rao ZG, Xu Yb, Xia DS, Xie Lh, Chen FH. Variation and paleoclimatic significance of organic carbon isotopes of Ili loess in arid Central Asia. Organic Geochemistry, 2013, 63: 56-63.
18. Jia J, Xia DS, Wang B, Wei HT and Liu XB, Magnetic investigation of Late Quaternary loess deposition, Ili area, China. Quaternary International, 250: 84-92.
19. Wang XM, Xia DS, Zhang CX, Lang LL, Hua T, Zhao S, 2012. Geochemical and magnetic characteristics of fine-grained surface sediments in potential dust source areas: Implications for tracing the provenance of aeolian deposits and associated palaeoclimatic change in East Asia. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 323: 123-132.
20. Wang G, Oldfield F, Xia DS, Chen FH, Liu XM, Zhang WG, 2012. Magnetic properties and correlation with heavy metals in urban street dust: A case study from the city of Lanzhou, China. Atmospheric Environment, 46: 289-298.
21. Jia J, Liu XB, Xia DS, et al. 2011, Magnetic property of loess strata recorded by Kansu profile in Tianshan Mountains, Journal of Arid Land, 3(3): 191-198. (SCI).
22. Yu Y, Zhao SP, Xia DS, He JJ, Liu N, Chen J B, 2011, Characteristics of aerosol particle size distributions in urban Lanzhou, north-western China. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 147:307-318.
23. Liu JB, Chen FH, Chen JH, Xia DS et al., 2011 Humid Medieval Warm Period recorded by magnetic characteristics of sediments from Gonghai Lake, Shanxi, North China. Chinese Science Bulletin,56(23): 2464-2474. (SCI)
24. Jia J, Xia D S, Wei H T, Wang B, Liu X B. 2010. A magnetic investigation of a loess/paleosol sequences record in Ili area. Frontiers of Earth Sciences in China, 4(3): 259-268.
25. Wang XM, Chen FH, Zhang JW, Yang L, Li JJ Hasi E, Zhang CX & Xia DS,2010, Climate, Desertification, and the Rise and Collapse of China’s Historical Dynasties, Hum Ecol,38:157–172.
26. Wei HT, Xia DS, Chen FH, Jin M, Wang HB, Jia J,2009, Magnetic characteristics of topsoil from Xinjiang, Northwestern China and its significance, Frontiers of Earth Science in China, 3(3):259-265.
27. Ma JY, Sun W, Zhang HW, Xia DS, An CB & Chen FH 2009. Stable carbon isotope characteristics of different plant species and surface soil in arid regions. Frontiers of Earth Science in China 3:107-111.
28. Wu GJ, Yao TD, Tian LD, Zhang CL, Gao SP, Xia DS,2009,Element composition of dust from a shallow Dunde ice core, Northern China,Global and Planetary Change 67: 186–192.
29. Wang XM, Xia DS, Wang T, Xue X and Li JC, 2008, Dust sources in arid and semiarid China and southern Mongolia: impacts of geomorphological setting and surface materials, Geomorphology, 97: 583-600.
30. Wang G, Xia DS, Liu XM, Chen FH,Yu Y, Yang LP, Chen JH, Zhou AF,2008,Spatial and temporal variation in magnetic properties of street dust in an industrial city of Northwest China, Chinese Science Bulletin,53(12):1913-1923.
31. Wang XM, Li JJ, Dong GR, Xia DS, 2008, Responses of desertification to wind activity variations over the past five decades in arid and semiarid China, Chinese Science Bulletin,53(3):426-433.
32. Liu XM,Liu TS, Chlachula J,Xia DS,Hesse P,Wang G,2008,Two pedogenic models for paleoclimatic records of magnetic susceptibility from Chinese and Siberian loess, Science in China(D), 50(12):284-293.
33. Chun X, Chen FH, Fan YX, Xia DS, Zhao H, 2008, Formation f Ulan Buh desert and its environmental changes during the Holocene. Frontiers of Earth Science in China, 2(3):327-332.
34. Ma JY, Chen K, Xia DS, Wang G, Chen FH, 2007, Variation in foliar stable carbon isotope among populations of a desert plant, Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. in different environments. Journal of Arid Environments, 69(3): 365-374.
35. Ma JY, Chen FH, Zhang HW, Xia DS, 2007, Spatial distribution characteristics of stable carbon isotope compositions in desert plant Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. Frontiers of Earth Sciences in China. 1(2): 150-156.
36. Zhao H, Chen FH, Li SH, Wintle AG, Fan YX and Xia DS, 2007, A record of Holocene climate change in the Guanzhong Basin, China, based on optical dating of a loess-palaeosol sequence, The Holocene 17(7): 1015–1022.
37. Wu GJ, Pan BT, Guan QY,Gao HS, Xia DS,2006, Climatic signals in the Chinese loess record for the Last Glacial: The influence of northern high latitudes and the tropical Pacific,Quaternary International,154–155: 128–135.
38. Wu GJ, Pan BT, Guan QY, Xia DS,2005,Terminations and their correlation with solar insolation in the Northern Hemisphere: a record from a loess section in Northwest China,Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 216:267– 277.
39. Wang XM, Chen FH, Dong ZB, and Xia DS, 2005, Evolution of the southern Mu Us desert in north China over the past 50 years: an analysis using proxies of human activity and climate parameters, Land Degradation & Development 16: 351–366.
40. Wang T, Yang B, Braeuning A, Xia DS, 2004, Decadal-scale precipitation variations in arid and semiarid zones of northern China during the last 500 years, Chinese Science Bulletin, 49(8): 842-848.
41. Wang JM, Shi Q, Chen FH, Xia DS,1999, Rapid oscillations of Chinese monsoon climate since the last deglaciation and its comparison with GISP2 record,Chinese Science Bulletin, 44(3): 284-286.
42. 夏敦勝,王博,許淑精,張英,趙爽,劉宇航,李冠華,張俊輝,賈佳,魏海濤,2013,烏魯木齊城市表土重金屬污染的環境磁學記錄,蘭州大學學報(自),49(2):173-181.
43. 夏敦勝,陳發虎,馬劍英,金明,王訓明,賈佳,魏海濤,劉現彬.2010.新疆伊犁地區典型黃土磁學特征及其環境意義初探.第四紀研究,30(5):902-911.
44. 夏敦勝,余曄,馬劍英,王冠,楊麗萍,金明,陳發虎,2007,蘭州市街道塵埃環境磁學特征及其環境意義,環境科學,28(5):937-944.
45. 夏敦勝,楊麗萍,馬劍英,余曄,王冠,陳發虎,2007,中國北方城市大氣降塵磁學特征及其環境意義, 中國科學(D),37(8):1073-1080.
46. 夏敦勝,王冠,馬劍英,楊麗萍,劉玉璋,陳發虎, 2007,蘭州市大氣降塵環境磁學特征研究, 中國沙漠, 27(5):859-865.
47. 夏敦勝, 陳發虎,馬劍英,劉秀銘, 張衛國,王訓明,魏海濤, 2007, 黃土高原-阿拉善高原典型斷面表土磁學特征及環境意義, 第四紀研究 28(6):1001-1008;
48. 夏敦勝,余曄,馬劍英,劉秀銘, 陳發虎,2007,大氣降塵磁學特征對城市污染源的指示, 干旱區資源與環境,21(12):110-115.
49. 夏敦勝, 馬劍英, 王冠, 金明, 楊麗萍, 陳發虎, 2006,環境磁學及其在西北干旱區環境研究中的問題,地學前緣 13(3):168-179。
50. 夏敦勝,魏海濤,馬劍英,王訓明,張家武, 趙暉, 2006,中亞地區現代表土磁學特征及其環境意義,第四紀研究,26(6):937-946.
51. 夏敦勝,Bloemendal J,Chiverrell RC,Dearing J,金明,2004,火山灰地層磁學特征與地層對比探討-以冰島為例,科學通報,49(3):279-286。
52. 夏敦勝,馬玉貞,陳發虎,王建民,1998,甘肅大地灣剖面全新世植被演替與氣候變化。蘭州大學學報(自),34(1):119-127。
53. 王博,夏敦勝,余曄等.2014.典型沙漠綠洲城市表土磁性特征及環境指示意義.地球物理學報,57(3):doi: 10.6038/cjg.20140301.
54. 許淑婧,夏敦勝,春喜,王博,張英,呼和浩特市大氣降塵磁學特征及其環境意義,中國環境科學 2104,34(4):1004-1011
55. 趙瑞瑞,趙爽,溫仰磊,柳加波,賈佳,夏敦勝,2014,X射線光電子能譜在環境磁學中的應用,第四紀研究,34(6):1336-1337.
56. 賈佳,王友郡,夏敦勝,溫仰磊,柳加波, 黃土沉積物中次生細粒強磁性礦物記錄的古氣候息,地球環境學報,5(2):49-55
57. 溫仰磊,王友郡,柳加波,趙爽,李冠華,賈佳,夏敦勝,準噶爾盆地南緣黃土磁化率變化規律及影響因素,地球環境學報,5(2):85-92
58. 柳加波,溫仰磊,趙爽,李冠華,賈佳,魏海濤,夏敦勝,昆侖山北坡黃土粒度特征與環境意義初探,地球環境學報,5(2):76-84
59. 王博,夏敦勝,賈佳,余曄,許淑婧,2013,中國西北地區典型鋼鐵工業城市表土重金屬污染的環境磁學響應,吉林大學學報(地),43(3):962-973
60. 王博,許淑婧,夏敦勝,賈佳,趙爽,2013,塔里木盆地現代天然降塵磁性特征時空對比研究,中國沙漠,33(3):840-849
61. 田世麗,夏敦勝,余曄,王博,許淑婧,2013,.北京市大興區大氣降塵環境磁學特征及其環境意義.中國沙漠,33(3):832-839
62. 趙爽,夏敦勝,靳鶴齡,李冠華,2013,科爾沁沙地風沙沉積物磁學特征及其古環境意義初探. 中國沙漠, ,33(2):334-342
64. 張俊輝,夏敦勝,張英,劉宇航.,2013,干旱區高山泥炭磁學特性研究.地球物理學報,56(6):1974-1984
65. 張俊輝,夏敦勝,張英,劉宇航,2013,阿勒泰地區表土磁學特性及變化機制研究,第四紀研究,33(5): 889-909
67. 李冠華,夏敦勝,柳加波,溫仰磊,趙爽,賈佳,新疆塔城黃土沉積常量地球化學元素特征及其環境意義, 海洋地質與第四紀地質,33(4):183-192
68. 魏海濤,Banerjee S,夏敦勝,Jackson M,賈佳,陳發虎,天山北麓黃土環境磁學特征及其古氣候意義,地球物理學報,56(1):150-158
70. 許淑婧,張英,余曄,王博,夏敦勝,2013,西北干旱區黃河沿岸典型工業帶表土磁性特征及其環境意義,環境科學,34(9):3578-3586
72. 王博, 夏敦勝, 余曄, 賈佳, 許淑婧, 2012. 蘭州城市表層土壤重金屬污染的環境磁學記錄. 科學通報, 3078-3089.
73. 王博, 夏敦勝, 余曄, 田世麗, 賈佳, 2012. 蘭州市城區河道表層沉積物地球化學元素分布特征. 中國沙漠, 168-174.
74. 劉宇航,夏敦勝,金明,張俊輝,2012,阿拉善地區湖泊巖芯磁性特征記錄的全新世環境變化. 中國沙漠,32(4) 929-938.
75. 張俊輝,夏敦勝,張英,張健,許淑請劉宇航,2012干旱區泥炭樣品加熱過程中磁學特征的變化研究,干旱區地理,35(6):938-945.
76. 張俊輝,夏敦勝,張英,劉宇航,2012,中國泥炭記錄末次冰消期以來古氣候研究進展,地球科學進展,27(1):42-51.
77. 賈佳,夏敦勝, 王博, 李冠華, 趙爽, 劉現彬,2012, 黃土高原與伊犁黃土磁學特征對比及啟示. 第四紀研究,32(4):749-760;
78. 劉現彬,夏敦勝, 賈佳, 趙爽, 李冠華,于英鵬, 2012, 蘭州九州臺黃土磁性特征及其古氣候意義研究?. 第四紀研究,32(4):761-770;
79. 劉宇航, 夏敦勝, 周愛鋒, 張俊輝, 趙家駒, 張英,2012, 烏倫古湖全新世氣候變化的環境磁學記錄. 第四紀研究,32(4):803-811;
80. 賈佳,夏敦勝等,2011,阿西克剖面記錄的西天山地區黃土磁學性質及古氣候意義初探,中國沙漠,31(6):1406-1415.
81. 賈佳,劉現彬,夏敦勝等,2011,坎蘇剖面記錄的西天山地區黃土磁學性質及其控制因素初探,干旱區地理,34(1):124-1324.
82. 田世麗,夏敦勝等,2011,西北地區河谷城市大氣降塵環境磁學特征及其環境意義,環境科學,32(9):2761-2768
84. 王博,夏敦勝等,2011,環境磁學在監測城市河流沉積物污染中的應用,環境科學學報,32(5):1430-1440
85. 劉建寶, 陳發虎, 陳建徽, 許清海,夏敦勝等,2011,山西寧武公海湖泊巖芯的環境磁學特征及中世紀暖期濕潤氣候探討,科學通報,56(31):2580-2590
86. 魏海濤,夏敦勝,陳發虎,金明,王訓明,賈佳,劉現彬.2009.新疆表土磁學性質及其環境意義.干旱區地理,32(5):676-683.
87. 賈佳,夏敦勝,魏海濤,劉現彬,毛學剛.2010.黃土高原西部典型古土壤與黃土的磁學特征及其古氣候意義.蘭州大學學報(自然科學版),46(6):26-31.
88. 賈佳,夏敦勝,金明,王訓明,魏海濤,劉現彬.2010.渭河流域典型黃土剖面的環境磁學特征及其古氣候意義.冰川凍土,32(1):91-97.
89. 余曄,夏敦勝,陳雷華,劉娜,陳晉北,高艷紅.2010.蘭州市PM_(10)污染變化特征及其成因分析.環境科學,31(1):22-28.
90. 王博,夏敦勝,余曄,王麗,田世麗.2010.蘭州市城區河道表層沉積物磁性特征研究.環境科學,31(8):1740-1748.
91. 王博,夏敦勝,余曄,賈佳,田世麗.2010.城市降塵磁學特征及其環境意義.蘭州大學學報(自),46(6):11-17.
92. 王麗,夏敦勝,余曄,田世麗,王博.2010.北疆地區城市大氣降塵磁學特征及其環境磁學意義.中國沙漠,30(3):699-705.
93. 魏海濤,夏敦勝,陳發虎,金明,王訓明,賈佳,劉現彬, 2009,新疆表土磁學性質及其環境意義,干旱區地理,3(25) :676-683;
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