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Name:Li Min
職 稱:教授,博士生導師,主任法醫師/基礎醫學院副院長,病理學研究所所長
Duty: Professor
Director of the Institute of Pathology
E-mail: limin@lzu.edu.cn
Aspects of scientific research
1. Neoplastic Pathology
2. Researches concerned with neoplastic invasion and metastasis
3. Molecular researches of neoplastic cellular apoptosis induced by chemotherapy agents
4. Empirical studies involved in antineoplastic functions of traditional Chinese herbs
5, Researches about neoplastic stem cells.
Honors and Awards
1. Vice director of Professional Committee in Pathology, Medical Association, Gansu Province.
2. Trans-century academic leaders in colleges and universities, Gansu Province.
3. The '333' talent first and second-level candidates, Gansu Province.
4. A member of of Expert Group, Medical Identification Committee, Health Department, Gansu Province.
5. Representative of The 12th session of the People's Congress of Lanzhou City.
6. Lecturer of of Excellent Courses-Pathology, Gansu Province.
7. Series researches inpathogenic mechanism and therapic strategies of gastric carcinoma, the first prize of Gansu Province Scientific and Technological Progress in 2010.
8. Experimental study of NO, ET in the regulation status of circulatory function and the relationship with septic shock, the third prize of Gansu Province Scientific and Technological Progress in 2002.
9. Expression and clinical significance of vascular endothelial growth factor, cyclooxygenase -2 and CD44V6 in Borderline ovarian tumor, the second prize of Gansu Province Scientific and Technological Progress in 2005.
10. Immunohistochemical study of breast tumor estrogen receptor and laminin, the third prize of Gansu Health Department Scientific and Technological Progress in 1997.
1978.09-1983.06 蘭州醫學院醫療系學習,獲學士學位。
1988.09-1991.06 蘭州醫學院病理學專業攻讀碩士學位。
1983~2001年 蘭州大學基礎醫學院病理學助教、講師、副教授,碩士生導師;期間主要從事胃癌、乳腺癌發病機制方面研究工作,并參與外科病理診斷工作及司法醫學鑒定工作。
2001~2010年 蘭州大學基礎醫學院病理學教授,碩士生導師;期間主要從事消化道腫瘤浸潤轉移機制方面的研究。并參與外科病理診斷工作及司法醫學鑒定工作。
2010.12至今 蘭州大學基礎醫學院病理學教授,博士生導師;期間主要從事消化道腫瘤浸潤轉移機制方面及中醫藥防治腫瘤方面的研究。并參與外科病理診斷工作及司法醫學鑒定工作。
2011. 11-至今,教育部“多肽藥物”長江學者創新團隊成員
Experience of Postsecondary Education
1978.09-1983.06Major in clinical medicine. Graduated from Lanzhou Medical College and acquied the Bachelor's Degree.
1988.09-1991.06Lucubrating Masters’ Degree in Pathology in Lanzhou Medical College
2001.09-2007.06Lucubrating Doctors’ Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Lanzhou University.
Experience of Research
1983~2001 Teaching assistant, instructor, associate professor, master student supervisor in Basic Medical College of Lanzhou University.Researching on the pathogenic mechanisms of gastric cancer and breast cancer, taking participation in the diagnosis of surgical pathology and forensic pathology.
2001-2010Professor and master student supervisor in Basic Medical College of Lanzhou University. Researching on the mechanisms of invasion and metastasis in the tumors of digestive tracts, taking participation in the diagnosis of surgical pathology and forensic pathology.
2010.12-nowProfessor and doctoral supervisor in Basic Medical College of Lanzhou University. Researching on the mechanisms of invasion and metastasis in the tumors of digestive tracts and antineoplastic functions of traditional Chinese herbs, taking participation in the diagnosis of surgical pathology and forensic pathology.
2006.01-nowA team member of Key Laboratory of Preclinical Study, Gansu Province.
2011.11-nowA member of the 'Peptides' Changjiang Scholars and Innovation Team of The Ministry of Education of China
1. Liu YF, Yang A, Liu W, Wang C, Wang M, Zhang L, Wang D, Dong JF, Li M*.NME2 Reduces Proliferation, Migration and Invasion of Gastric Cancer Cells to Limit Metastasis. PloS one ,2015;10(2):e0115968.
2. Ye Tian, Breia Salsbery, Min Wang, Hengjie Yuan, Jing Yang, Zilong Zhao, Xiaoping Wu, Yanjun Zhang, Barbara A. Konkle, Perumal Thiagarajan, Min Li*, Jianning Zhang*, Jing-fei Dong*.Brain-Derived Microparticles Induce Systemic Coagulation Associated With Traumatic Brain Injury. Blood ,2015, (in press)
3. Liu X, Li Y, Zhu H, Zhao Z, Zhou Y, Zaske AM, Liu L, Li M, Lu H, Liu W, Dong JF, Zhang J, Zhang Y. Use of non-contact hopping probe ion conductance microscopy to investigate dynamic morphology of live platelets. Platelets, 2014,. 7:1-6
4. Yanjun Zhang,Xiao Liu,Li Liu1,Ana-Maria Zaske,Zhou Zhou, Yuanyuan Fu,Xi Yang,Jodie L. Conyers,Min Li,Jing-fei Dong, Jianning Zhang. Contact- and agonist-regulated microvesiculation of human platelets. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2013,110(2):331-339
5. Jing Zhao,Chenyu Wang,Aijun yang,Wei Liu,Min Li*. Vasculogenic mimicry formation in hepatocellular carcinoma Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology 2008,7(9):530-533
6. Tong-ju GUAN, Feng-jin QIN, Jian-hai DU , You-yi ZHANG *,Min LI *. AICAR inhibited proliferation, induced S-phase arrest and promoted apoptosis in CaSki cellsActa Pharmacol Sin 2007,28:1984-1990
7. Min Li , Wei Liu, Yan-Fang Zhu,Yong-Lin Chen, Bang-Zhi Zhang, Rui Wang.Correlation of COX-2 and K-ras expression to clinical outcome in gastric cancerACTA Oncological2006,45:1115-1119
8. Min Li,Shu-Ying Qi, Yong Wang,Shu-XianFeng, Bang-ZhiZhang, Rui Wang. Expression and Clinical Significance of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Cyclooxygenase-2 and Bcl-2 in Borderline Ovarian Tumor Archives of Gynecocogy and Obstetrics2005,272(1):48-52
9. 向琳,楊愛軍,劉偉,王晨昱,張春雨,田莉,李敏*。雷帕霉素誘導自噬對結腸癌細胞侵襲、遷移的影響及可能機制。臨床與實驗病理學雜志,2013,28(10):933-937
10.謝曉峰,王琛,李娜,李倩,張文亮,李敏*.胃袖狀切除術與 Roux-en-Y 胃旁路術治療2型糖尿病療效的Meta分析.中華消化外科雜志,2013,12 (12): 921-926
11.程曉榮,楊愛軍,劉燕飛,李雙明,向琳,楊麗,李敏*。前胃泌素、胃泌素、膜聯蛋白2對胃癌CD44+細胞增殖和侵襲的影響。第三軍醫大學學報 2012,34(21):2171-2175
12.劉雅婷,楊愛軍,楊麗,李雙明,向琳,劉燕飛,李敏*。低氧對結腸癌SW480細胞生存的影響及與細胞自噬的關系。基礎醫學與臨床 2012,32(10):1143-1148
13.張麗娟,王晨昱,楊愛軍,劉偉,李敏*。結直腸癌組織中的趨化因子受體4、白介素-6的表達及其在血管生成中的作用。蘭州大學學報醫學版 2012,38(2):15-18
15.司曉麗,劉偉,楊愛軍,王晨昱,李敏。自噬增強結腸癌CD133+細胞對5-FU的化療抵抗。基礎醫學與臨床 2011,31(7):814-819
16.牛茜,楊愛軍,王晨昱,劉偉,李敏*。前胃泌素在人胃癌BGC-823細胞的懸浮腫瘤球中的表達。第三軍醫大學學報 2011,33(13):1396-1399
17.溫玉婷,劉偉,楊愛軍,王晨昱,李敏*,王金穗。IL-17和STAT3在結直腸癌組織中的表達及臨床意義。 第三軍醫大學學報
18. 蔡瑋,張芳,劉偉,楊愛軍,王晨昱,李敏*。PPAR-γ及CTGF對肝癌細胞生長的影響及相互作用的研究. 中國現代醫學雜志2010,20(4):515-518
19.牛云霞,王晨昱,楊愛軍,劉偉,尚麗娜,李敏*,王金穗。 DKK3和vWF在結直腸癌組織中的表達及臨床意義. 中國癌癥雜志2010,20(3):182-186
20.尚麗娜,楊愛軍,王晨昱,劉偉,牛云霞,李敏*。內皮細胞對結腸癌細胞系SW480中CD133+細胞表達VEGF的影響. 第三軍醫大學學報 2010,32(16):1740-1744
21.尚麗娜,楊愛軍,王晨昱,劉偉,李敏*,王金穗。結直腸癌中CD133的表達與血管生成相關性的研究. 腫瘤2010,30(6):524-528
22.王明娟,劉銘,劉偉,楊愛軍,王晨昱,柳軍璽,李敏*,邸多隆。甘肅棘豆生物堿部位體內抗腫瘤作用及對免疫功能的影響.中國中西醫結合雜志 2009,29(11):1009-1011
23. 蔡瑋,張芳,劉偉,楊愛軍,王晨昱,李敏*。CTGF對肝癌細胞生物學行為的影響及其與PPAR-γ關系的探討.腫瘤防治研究2009,36(1):36-39
24.王敏,張虹,楊愛軍,劉偉,王晨昱,李敏*。血管性血友病因子體外對胃癌細胞BGC-823增殖和黏附的影響. 腫瘤防治研究2009,36(1):21-23
25.方三高,王明娟,劉銘,楊愛軍,王晨昱,李敏*。CDX2對SW480和HCT-116細胞增殖、凋亡、自噬及COX-2蛋白表達的影響. 第四軍醫大學學報 2009,30(18):1756-1760
26.張立,劉偉,楊愛軍,王晨昱,李敏*。血管性血友病因子及整合素β3在人肺癌細胞GLC-82黏附的初步研究.中國現代醫學雜志 2009,19(17):2610-2614
27.楊愛軍,穆繼英,劉偉,王晨昱,李敏*。人橫紋肌肉瘤擬態血管生成能力及與angiopoietin-2,laminin5γ2關系的研究 .臨床與實驗病理學雜志 2008,24(6) :721-724
28.張立,劉偉,楊愛軍,王晨昱,李敏*。血管性血友病因子、整合素β3在人肺癌細胞H460中的表達及其與腫瘤轉移的相關性. 中國癌癥雜志 2008,18(4):271-275
29.王敏,劉偉,楊愛軍,王晨昱,李敏*。 vWF和HDAC1在胃癌細胞株BGC-823中的表達及對細胞粘附侵襲能力的影響.第四軍醫大學學報 2008,29(7):630-633
30.張虹,王敏,劉偉,楊愛軍,王晨昱,李敏*。肝癌細胞中STAT3及 c-myc的表達和意義 .腫瘤 2008,28(5):394-397
31.劉銘,王明娟,劉偉,楊愛軍,王晨昱,柳軍璽,李敏*,邸多隆。甘肅棘豆體內生物堿部位活性的研究. 中國現代醫藥雜志 2008,10(12):8-11
32.張芳,蔡瑋,楊愛軍,王晨昱,劉偉,李敏*。CTGF單克隆抗體對胃腺癌細胞BGC823生物學行為的影響. 現代預防醫學 2008,35(24):4860-4861 4865
(1)主持:von Willebrand Factor在胃腸道惡性腫瘤血源性播散中的作用及機制研究(81372575)
(2) 主持:缺氧微環境中自噬對結腸癌細胞生存的影響(1107RJZA187)
(3) 主持:乳腺癌CD44,uPA和E-cadherin基因的表達及意義(ZR-97-070)