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導師姓名: | 龐曉明 | 照片:無 | |
性別: | 男 | 出生年月: | 1973 年9 月3 日 |
院系名稱: | 生物科學與技術學院 | 一級學科: | 林學 |
二級學科: | 林木遺傳育種 | 研究方向1: | 經濟林遺傳育種 |
研究方向2: | 經濟林果實采后分子生物學 | 研究方向3: | 植物抗逆分子機理和基因工程 |
政治面貌: | 請選擇 | 現任職務: | |
現在職稱: | 教授 | 職稱評定時間: | 2015 年1 月1 日 |
導師最后學歷: | 博士 | 導師最后學位: | 博士 |
獲學位時間: | 1 年1 月 | 獲學位單位: | 華中農業大學 |
是否院士: | 非院士 | 是否留學: | 是 |
留學國別: | 日本 | 留學時間: | 從 2004 年 09 月 至 2006 年 08 月 |
碩導、博導: | 碩導 | 批碩、博導時間: | |
在讀碩士: | 4人 | 畢業碩士: | 9人 |
在讀博士: | 0人 | 畢業博士: | 0人 |
上崗時間: | 2007 年7 月1 日 | 現在在崗否: | 是 |
是否外聘導師: | 否 | 原外聘單位名稱: | |
是否千百萬人工程: | 否 | 是否長江學者: | 否 |
其它稱號: | 所在學科是否博士后流動站: | 是 | |
工作簡歷: | 2002-2004 中科院遺傳與發育生物學研究所 博士后 2004-2006 日本國家果樹研究所 JSPS博士后 |
教學工作: | 講授“遺傳學”、“群體遺傳學”、“植物育種學”、"現代生物技術”和基因組學等課程。 | ||
研究領域: | 棗樹遺傳和育種; 林木和經濟林樹種功能基因組和比較基因組; 經濟林果實采后分子生物學; 經濟林抗逆的分子機理和基因工程育種; |
在研課題: | 基于RAD 標記的棗樹高密度遺傳圖譜構建及抗寒性QTL“結構作圖” (2013-2016) 國家自然科學基金委 華北區鮮食棗和干制棗高效生產關鍵技術 研究與示范(2013-2017)國家科技支撐 |
論文目錄: | 1.Li YY?, Xu CQ?, Lin XG, Cui BB, Wu RL, Pang XM(龐曉明)*. De novo assembly and characterization of the fruit transcriptome of Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Using 454 pyrosequencing and the development of novel tri-nucleotide SSR markers. PLoS One, 2014, e106438, 2.Wang Z, Kang M, Liu H, Gao J, Zhang Z, Li YY, Wu RL, Pang XM(龐曉明)*. High-Level Genetic Diversity and Complex Population Structure of Siberian Apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) in China as Revealed by Nuclear SSR Markers. PLoS One, 9(2): 2014, e87381 3.Wang Z, Liu HB, Liu J, Li YY, Wu RL, Pang XM(龐曉明)*. Mining new microsatellite markers for Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) from SSR-enriched genomic library. Scientia Horticulturae, 2014, 166:65–69 4.Wang SQ, Liu Y, Ma LY, Liu HB, Tang Y, Wu LP, Wang Z, Li YY, Wu RL, Pang XM(龐曉明)*. Isolation and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers and Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Chinese Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). PLoS One, 2014, 9(6): e99842 5.Liu J, Liu HB, Ma LY,Wang SQ, Gao J, Li YY, Wu RL, Pang XM(龐曉明)*. A Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) fruit-expressed sequence tag (EST) library: Annotation and EST-SSR characterization. Scientia Horticulturae. 2014, 165: 99-105 6.Pang XM(龐曉明), Wang Z, Yap JS, Bo WH, Lv YF, Xu F, Zhou T, Peng SF, Shen DF, Wu RL*. A statistical procedure to map high-order epistasis for complex traits. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2013, 14 (3): 302-314 7.Wang Z?, Pang XM?(龐曉明), Wu WM, Wang JX, Wang ZH, Wu RL*. Modeling phenotypic plasticity in growth trajectories: A statistical framework. Evolution, 2014, 68: 81-91 (共同第一作者) 8.Tong CF?, Shen LY?, Lv YF, Wang Z, Wang X, Feng SS, Li X, Sui YH, Pang XM(龐曉明)*, Wu RL*.Structural mapping: how to study the genetic architecture of a phenotypic trait through its formation mechanism. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2014,15(1):43-53 (共同通訊作者) 9.Yang XX?, Lv YF?, Pang XM?(龐曉明), Tong CF, Wang Z, Li X, Feng SS, Tobias CM, Wu RL*. A unifying framework for bivalent multilocus linkage analysis of allotetraploids. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2013, 14: 96–108 (共同第一作者) 10.Wang Z?, Pang XM?(龐曉明), Lv YF, Xu F, Zhou T, Li X, Feng SS, Li JH, Li ZK, Wu RL*. A dynamic framework for quantifying the genetic architecture of phenotypic plasticity. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2013, 14: 82–95 (共同第一作者) 11.Zhao XY?, Tong CF?, Pang XM?(龐曉明), Wang Z, Guo YQ, Du F, Wu RL*. Functional mapping of ontogeny in flowering plants. Briefs in Bioinformatics. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2012, 13: 317–328 (共同第一作者) 12.Liu HB, Liu J, Wang Z, Ma LY, Wang SQ, Lin XG, Wu RL, Pang XM(龐曉明)*. Development and characterization of microsatellite markers in Prunus Sibirica (Rosaceae)," Applications in Plant Sciences, 2013, 1(3):1200074. 13.Lin XG, Yao LX, Li YY, Wu RL and Pang XM(龐曉明)*. Identification of genes associated with fruit ripening in Ziziphus jujuba using suppression subtractive hybridization approach. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2013, 35:1997-2008 14.Pang XM(龐曉明), Nada K, Kurosawa T, Ban Y, Moriguchi T*. Effect of methylglyoxal bis-(guanylhydrazone) on polyamine and ethylene biosynthesis of apple fruit after harvest. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2010, 32:1005–1010 (與國外導師合作論文) 15.唐巖,荊艷萍,許莉斯,申連英,李穎岳,龐曉明*. 冬棗與臨猗梨棗雜交子代果實裂果特性研究. 園藝學報. 2013, 40(4): 749–754 16.王斯琪,唐詩哲,孔德倉,賀潤平,劉華波,麻麗穎,劉君,王哲,李穎岳,申連英,龐曉明*. 利用SSR 標記進行棗樹子代苗父本鑒定. 園藝學報. 2012, 39(11): 2133–2141 17.吳麗萍,李穎岳,尹丹妮,龐曉明*. 棗和酸棗基因組大小測定, 北京林業大學學報. 2013, 35(3): 77-83 18.麻麗穎,孔德倉,劉華波,王斯琪,李穎岳,龐曉明*. 36份棗品種SSR指紋圖譜的構建,園藝學報. 2012, 39(4): 647-654 19.林星谷,孔德倉,龐曉明*. 李穎岳.冬棗過氧化氫酶基因的克隆及表達分析.西北植物學報. 2012, 32(6):1086-1092 20.劉華波,王哲,劉君,麻麗穎,王斯琪,唐巖,龐曉明*. 燕山山脈西伯利亞杏的遺傳多樣性和遺傳結構. 林業科學. 2012, 11: 2133-2141 21.劉穎,王瑩,龍萃,張志毅,龐曉明*. 植物多胺代謝途徑研究進展. 生物工程學報. 2011,27(2): 147-155 22.馬雯彥,龐曉明*,續九如. 李穎岳.果實裂果影響因子研究進展.華中農業大學學報. 2010, 29 (6):798-804 23.Wen XP*, Pang XM(龐曉明)*, Liu JH, Kitashiba H, Honda C and Moriguchi T. Overexpression of the apple spermidine synthase gene in pear confers multiple abiotic stress tolerance by altering polyamine titers. Transgenic Research, 2008,17:251-263 (*同等貢獻) 24.Pang XM(龐曉明)*, Zhang ZY, Wen XP, Ban Y, Moriguchi T. Polyamines, All-Purpose Players in Response to Environmental Stresses in Plants. Plant Stress, 2007, 1: 173-188. 25.Ban Y, Honda C, Bessho H, Pang XM(龐曉明), Moriguchi T?. Suppression subtractive hybridization identifies genes induced in response to UV-B irradiation in apple skin: isolation of a putative UDP-glucose 4-epimerase. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2007, 58(7):1825-1834 26.Pang XM(龐曉明), Hu CG, Deng XX?. Phylogenetic relationships within Citrus and its related genera as inferred from AFLP markers. Genetic resources and crop evolution. 2007,54: 429-436 27.Pang XM(龐曉明), Nada K, Liu JH, Kitashiba H, Honda C, Yamashita H, Tatsuki M and Moriguchi T?. Interrelationship between polyamine and ethylene in 1-methylcyclopropene treated apple fruit after harvest. Physiologia Plantarum.2006,128: 351–359. 28.Liu JH, Nada K, Pang XM(龐曉明), Honda C, Kitashiba H and Moriguch T?. Role of polyamines in peach fruit development and storage. Tree physiology. 2006, 26: 791-798 29.Liu JH, Nada K, Honda C, Kitashiba H, Wen XP, Pang XM(龐曉明), Moriguchi T?. Polyamine biosynthesis of apple callus under salt stress: involvement of ADC pathway in stress response. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2006, 57: 2589-2599 30.Pang XM(龐曉明), Wen XP, Hu CG, Deng XX?. Genetic diversity of Poncirus accessions as revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. 2006, 81: 269 – 275 31.Pang XM(龐曉明), Hu CG, Deng XX?. Phylogenetic relationships among Citrus and its relatives as revealed by SSR markers. Acta Genetica Sinica (遺傳學報). 2003, 30: 81-87 32.Li YH, Qian Q, Zhou YH, Yan MX, Sun L, Zhang M, Fu ZM, Wang YH, Han B, Pang XM(龐曉明), Chen MS, Li JY?. BRITTLE CULM 1, which encodes a cobra-like protein, affects the mechanical properties of rice plants. The Plant Cell, 2003, 15: 2020-2031 33.龐曉明, 胡春根, 鄧秀新?, 枳屬36份特異種質的AFLP指紋圖譜構建與分析, 園藝學報, 2003, 30(4): 394-398 34.龐曉明, 胡春根, 伊華林等, AFLP技術在果樹遺傳育種研究中的應用, 生命的化學,2001, 20(5):31-32. 35.文曉鵬, 龐曉明, 鄧秀新?, 刺梨及部分近緣種形態學性狀和RAPD標記分析, 中國農業科學, 2003, 35 (7): 823-828 36.Wen XP, Pang XM(龐曉明),and Deng XX?. Characterization of genetic relationships of Rosa roxburghii Tratt and its relatives using morphological traits and RAPD and AFLP markers. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. 2004, 79: 189-196 37.Liu JH, Pang XM(龐曉明), Chen YJ, Deng XX?. Molecuar Characterization of the Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Genomes of Intergeneric Diploid Plants from Cell Fusion between Micocitrus papuana and Rough Lemon. Plant cell reporter, 2002, 21: 327-332 |
著譯目錄: | 1)續九如(主編),毛永民,龐曉明(副主編),棗樹良種選育與高效栽培新技術,中國農業出版社. 32萬字,2011 2)龐曉明,第六章:基因與基因突變,林木遺傳學基礎(張志毅主編),中國林業出版社. 2013 3)龐曉明,第十二章:常用統計分析軟件介紹,林業試驗設計(續九如和李穎岳主編),中國農業出版社. 2014 |
科研成果: | |||
成果推廣應用情況: | |||
表彰和榮譽: | 1、2010年,入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才計劃”; 2、2004年獲得日本JSPS資助。 |
主要兼職: | 學術兼職:中國林學會經濟林分會理事中國園藝學會干果分會理事國家林業局棗工程研究中心技術委員國際園藝學會(International Society for Horticultural Science)會員國家自然科學基金通訊評審專家(2010,2013,2014) 擔任學術編輯: PLOS ONE (2014- ) Recent Patents on Biotechnology, Editorial Editor (2014- ) Frontiers in Genetic Architecture, Review editor (2011-2014) 雜志審稿人: Tree Genetics & Genomes, Trees - Structure and Function, PLOS ONE, Gene, Plant Genetic Resources, Scientia Horticulturae, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, Genetic and Molecular Biology, Journal of Genetics and Genomic, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, African journal of Biotechnology,生物工程學報,林業科學,遺傳,遺傳學報,植物遺傳資源學報,生物工程學報,植物生理學報,北京林業大學學報,西南林業大學學報,西北農林科技大學學報和北京農學院學報 | ||
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辦公室電話: | 010-62338135 | ||
住宅電話: | (暫不公布) | ||
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手機: | (暫不公布) | ||
通訊地址: | 北京林業大學118信箱 | ||
郵政編碼: | 100083 | ||
電子郵件地址: | xmpang@163.com | ||
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