多年來主要從事納米多孔材料和有機-無機雜化材料的合成與表征,多相催化以及精細化學品合成等研究工作。以清潔替代燃料生產和基本精細有機化學品合成的綠色化為導向,從分子工程設計和化學裁剪的角度,應用化學方法,合成具有仿生結構的無機納米介孔材料,重點針對綠色化學工業和環境友好化學過程,進行以表面科學為基礎的新催化體系和新制備方法的開拓,以及催化劑制備、結構和性能間的系統研究。圍繞重要的工業催化反應如C1分子或石油裂解在催化轉化過程中的催化化學基礎與過程化學研究,進行新催化體系和新制備方法的開拓,反應動力學和機理以及催化劑制備、結構和性能間的關聯。同時,以開發高附加值醫藥、農藥、食品和各種添加劑的中間體為目的,著眼于綠色化學與工業,探索環境友好化學過程,為工業過程開發提供關鍵的催化劑技術基礎。近年來在國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文七十多篇,其中30多篇被SCI所收錄。其中發表在Advanced Material, Chemical Communication, Journal of Material Chemistry以及Langmuir等刊物上的論文已被歐美等十幾個國家的國際著名材料化學專家和催化化工專家引用50次以上。
1. J.H. Sun, J.A. Moulijn, J.C. Jansen, T. Maschmeyer, M.-O. Coppens, Alcothermal Synthesis under Basic Conditions of an SBA-15 with Long-Range Order and Stability, Adv. Mater., 2001, 13(5), 327-331.
2. J.H. Sun, Z. Shan, J.A. Moulijn, J.C. Jansen, T. Maschmeyer, M.-O. Coppens, Synthesis of tailored bimodal mesoporous materials with independent control of the dual pore size distribution,Chem. Commun., 2001, 2670-2671.
3. M.-O. Coppens, J.H. Sun, Synthesis of hierarchical porous silicas with a controlled pore size distribution at various length scales, Catalysis Today, 2001, 69, 331-335.
4. J.H. Sun, M.-O. Coppens, Alcothermal synthesis of large pore, high quality MCM-48 Silica,Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2002, 143, 181-187.
5. J.H. Sun, M.-O. Coppens, Hydrothermal and postsynthesis of high-quality MCM-48 silica with tailored pore size, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2002, 146, 157-161.
6. J.H. Sun, M.-O. Coppens, Preparation of Large Pore High Quality MCM-48 Silica by a Simple Post-synthesis Hydrothermal Treatment, Journal of Material Chemistry, 2002, 12(10), 3016-3020.
7. J.H. Sun, J.A. Moulijn, J.C. Jansen, T. Maschmeyer, M.-O. Coppens, Synthesis of the structured silica with a controlled bimodal mesopore by combination the template method with sol-gel technique,Langmuir, 2003, 19, 8395-8402.