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陳東升,男,氣象學碩士,環境工程博士, 副教授,碩士生導師。
[1]D.S.Chen, S. Y. Cheng, X. R. Guo, L. Liu. An Integrated MM5-CMAQ Modeling Approach for Assessing Trans-Boundary PM10 Contribution to the Host City of 2008 Olympic Summer Games-Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment. 2007, 41: 1237-1250. //SCI
[2]D.S.Chen, S. Y. Cheng, J. B. Li, X. Y. Zhao, X. R. Guo, H. L. Hu, T. Yu. Application of LIDAR technique and MM5-CMAQ modeling approach for the assessment of winter PM10 air pollution: a case study in Beijing, China. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 2007, 181: 409-427. //SCI
[3]D.S.Chen, S. Y. Cheng, L. Liu, T. Lei, X. R. Guo, X. Y. Zhao. Assessment of the Integrated ARPS-CMAQ Modeling System through Simulating PM10 Concentration in Beijing, China. Environmental Engineering Science, 2008, 25:191-205. //SCI
[4]D.S.Chen, S.Y. Cheng?, Y. Zhou, X.R. Guo, S.B.Fan, H.Y. Wang. Impact of road fugitive dust on air quality in Beijing, China. Environmental Engineering Science, 2010, 27: 825-834.//SCI
[5]D.S.Chen, S. Y. Cheng, X. R. Guo, et al. Integration of Models-3 (CMAQ) with Meteorological Modeling Tools for Investigating Urban Air Pollution: A Case Study for Beijing City, China. ISEIS, Paper EIA 04-090, 2004: 881-890
[6]D.S.Chen, S. Y. Cheng, X. R. Guo, et al. An Integrated ARPS-MM5-CMAQ Modeling Approach for Predicting PM10 Concentration in the Metropolitan Region of Beijing in winter. Environmental Informatics Archives. 2005, Volume (3): 439-448
[7]D.S.Chen, S. Y. Cheng, T. Lei, etc. Linking the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) System to study the PM10 air quality in Beijing of complex terrain. Sep. 2006 Beijing. "Beijing International Environmental Technology Symposium".
[8]S. Y. Cheng, D.S.Chen, J. B. Li, X. R. Guo, H. Y. Wang. The assessment of emission-source contributions to air quality by using a coupled MM5-ARPS-CMAQ modeling system: a case study in the Beijing metropolitan region, China, Environmental Modelling & Software, 2007, 22(11): 1601-1616. //SCI
[9]S. Y. Cheng, D.S.Chen, J. B. Li, X. R. Guo, H. Y. Wang. An ARPS-CMAQ modeling approach for assessing the atmospheric assimilative capacity of the Beijing metropolitan region, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 2007, 181: 211-224. //SCI
[10]F. Wang, D.S.Chen, S.Y. Cheng, J.B. Li, M.J. Li, Z.H. Ren. Identification of regional atmospheric PM10 transport pathways using HYSPLIT, MM5-CMAQ and synoptic pressure pattern analysis. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2010, 25:927-934.//SCI
[11]M.J. Li, D.S.Chen, S.Y. Cheng, F. Wang, Y. Li, Y. Zhou, J.L. Lang. Optimizing Emission Inventory for Chemical Transport Models by using Genetic Algorithm. Atmospheric Environment, 2010.//SCI
[12]X.R. Guo, S.Y. Cheng, D.S.Chen, Y. Zhou, H.Y. Wang. Estimation of economic costs of particulate air pollution from road transport in China. Atmospheric Environment, 2010, 44:3369-3377.//SCI
[13]S.Y. Cheng, L. Liu, D.S.Chen, H.Y. Wang, R. Li, Y.Q. Jin. Pollution abatement for improving air quality of Tangshan municipality, China: a perspective of urban-airshed carrying-capacity concept, 2010.//SCI
[14]X. Y. Zhao, S. Y. Cheng, D.S.Chen, et al. Effect of Construction Fugitive Dust on air quality and Pollution Control Planning for Beijing Area. Sep. 2006 Beijing. "Beijing International Environmental Technology Symposium".
[15]Z. H. Chen, S. Y. Cheng, J. B. Li, X. R. Guo, W. H. Wang, D.S.Chen. Relationship between atmospheric pollution processes and synoptic pressure patterns in northern China. Atmospheric Environment. 2008, 42: 6078–6087. //SCI
[16]Q. Huang, S. Y. Cheng, R. E. Perozzi, E. F. Perozzi, D.S.Chen, Y. Li , Y. Zhou. An integrated MM5-CAMx modeling approach for assessing PM10 contribution from different sources in Beijing, China. Journal of environmental informatics. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2010, 15(2):47-61.//SCI
Email: dschen@bjut.edu.cn