1.發表的主要學術論文近幾年發表論文共計70余篇,其中SCI11篇、EI26篇、ISTP8篇,近期發表的部分論文如下:1. Liang Wenjun, Li Jian, et al. Formaldehyde removal from gas streams by means of NaNO2 dielectric barrier discharge plasma, Journal of Hazardous Materials,2010,(SCI) 2. Liang Wenjun, Li Jian, et al. Abatement of toluene from gas streams via ferro-electric packed bed dielectric barrier discharge plasma, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009,(SCI) 3. Zhu Tao, Li Jian, et al. Synergistic Effect of Catalyst for Oxidation Removal of Toluene, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009,(SCI) 4. Zhu Tao, Li Jian, et al. Gaseous phase benzene decomposition by non-thermal plasma coupled with nano titania catalyst, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2008,(SCI) 5. Zhu Tao, Li Jian, et al. Decomposition of benzene by non-thermal plasma processing:Photo-catalyst and ozone effect, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2008,(SCI) 6. Feng Bin; Li Jian, et al. Destruction of formaldehyde with non-thermal plasma, Proceedings of 2006 Beijing International Environmental Technology Conference, 2006,(SCI) 7. Sun Li, Li Jian, et al. Start-up processes of a cross-flow trickling biofilter removing toluene, Proceedings of 2006 Beijing International Environmental Technology Conference, 2006,(SCI)8.竹濤,李堅等.高頻介質阻擋放電降解甲苯的試驗研究,高電壓技術,2009(EI)9.竹濤,李堅等.低溫等離子體凈化甲醛氣體的實驗研究,北京工業大學學報,2008(EI)10.李堅,李潔等.等離子體法去除甲醛的實驗研究,高電壓技術,2007,(EI)