- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
李小五 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787306036032
- 出版日期:2010-3-1
Dynamic Epistemic Logic is the logic of knowledge, actions and the interrelation of them.This is not about one logic, but about a whole family of logics that allows us to specify staticand dynamic aspects of rational agent systems. The book provides various logics to supportsuch formal specifications.
Chapter 1 Foundations
1 Epistemic Logic
2 Dynamic Logic PDL
3 Dynamic Logic PDL~0 and One Generalization of It
4 Dynamic Epistemic Logic
Chapter 2 Do an Action
1 Logics for Having Done an Action ( 1 )
2 Logics for Having Done an Action ( 2 )
3 Logics for Intending to Do an Action
4 Logics for Being Doing an Action
Appendix 1 A Logic for Transferring a State by Resultant Force
Appendix 2 A Logic for Achieving an Intention by Doing an Action..
Chapter 3 Know an Action
1 Self-substitution Systems .
2 Some Versions of Self-substitution Systems
3 Minimal Systems and Bounded-valuation Method
4 Semi-infinitary Proof Systems
5 Fixed Point Systems
6 Systems Containing Dot or Dga
Appendix What Is an Epistemic Action
Chapter 4 Cognize an Agent
1 Dynamic Epistemic Logics for Knowing an Agent
2 Epistemic Logics for Knowing an Agent
3 An Auto-epistemic Logic for Knowing an Agent
4 A Dynamic Doxastic Logic for Believing an Agent
Chapter 5 Cognize a Concept
1 Know a Modality Concept
2 Cognize a Cognitive Concept
3 Cognize a General Modal Concept
Chapter 6 Know an Individual and Know a Relation
1 Know an Individual
2 Know a Relation
Appendix A First-order Epistemic Logic
Chapter 7 Dynamic Negation
1 Characterization by Abbreviations
2 Characterization by Binary Relations
3 Characterization by Ternary Relation
Appendix A Action is Negated by Another Action
Chapter 8 Dynamic Conditional Logies
1 Conditional Logics for
2 Conditional Logics for
3 Conditional Logics for
Chapter 9 Update Semantics for Epistemic Systems
1 General Update Semantics
2 Degenerate Frame Semantics
3 Point Relation Frame Semantics
4 Set Relation Frame Semantics
5 Transformation Function Frame Semantics
6 Selection-class Function Frame Semantics
7 Neighborhood Function Frame Semantics
8 Dynamic Frame Semantics
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