品牌:圖書詳情 商品基本信息,請以下列介紹為準 商品名稱: 翻譯與跨文化交際 作者: 陳建平 市場價: 35.9元 文軒網價: 28.7元【80折】 ISBN號: 9787513524476 出版社: 外語教學與研究出版社 商品類型: 圖書
其他參考信息(以實物為準) 裝幀:平裝 開本:16開 語種:中英雙語 出版時間:2012-09-01 版次:1 頁數:238 印刷時間:2012-09-01 印次:1 字數:
內容簡介 《翻譯與跨文化交際》教材旨在從若干層面將翻譯學生引入語言、文化與跨文化交際領域,著力幫助他們較全面地了解和認識語言與文化的內在聯系以及語言翻譯過程中可能涉及的跨文化問題,為翻譯學習與實踐打下一定的語言文化和跨文化交際的知識基礎。
作者簡介 陳建平,廣東外語外貿大學黨委書記
目錄 Part 1 Intercultural Communication in Translation
1.1 The Interconnectedness Between Translation and Intercultural
1.2 Approaches to Intercultural Communication Studies
1.2.1 The Scope of Intercultural Communication
1.2.2 The Rationale for Intercultural Communication Studies
1.2.3 Intercultural, Intracultural and Cross-cultural
1.2.4 The Contextual Model and the Sociolinguistic Approach
1.3 The Themes of This Introductory Course
1.4 Workshop
1.4.1 Translation and Studies in Communication & Culture
1.4.2 The Problems of Translation and Equivalence
1.4.3 Translatability of Cultural Perspectives
1.4.4 Practice in Translating Culture
Suggested Readings
Part 2 Language and Communication 語言與交際
2.1 Understanding Communication
2.1.1 The Process of Communication
2.1.2 The Features of Human Communication
2.1.3 The Relationship Between Communication and Culture
2.1.4 Dimensions for Assessing Communicative Differences Across
2.2 Understanding Language and Communication
2.2.1 The Nature of Language as Communication
2.2.2 The Patterns and Functions of Communication
2.3 Understanding the Concept of Communicative Competence
2.3.1 Defining a Competent Communicator
2.3.2 Implications for Foreign Language Learning and Translation
2.4 Workshop
2.4.1 Basic Notions in the Analysis
2.4.2 A Comparative Analysis of a Communicative Event Across
2.4.3 A Comparative Analysis of Bilingual Introductions to
Universities in China
Suggested Readings
Part 3 Language and Culture 語言與文化
3.1 Understanding Culture
3.1.1 The Nature of Culture
3.1.2 The Basic Elements of Culture
3.2 Language and Cultural Thought Patterns
3.2.1 Language and Cultural Perception
3.2.2 Language and Thought Patterns
3.3 Language and Cultural Contexts
3.3.1 High-context Culture vs. Low-context Culture
3.3.2 Individualistic vs. Collectivistic Cultural Context
3.4 Workshop
3.4.1 Cultural Presuppositions
3.4.2 Differences in Cultural Presupposition
3.4.3 Structural Differences vs. Cultural Differences
3.4.4 An Illustration of Language and Context
3.4.5 Culture Shock
Suggested Readings
Part 4 Language and Society 語言與社會
4.1 Language and Language Varieties
4.1.1 Language and Variation
4.1.2 Language and Dialect
4.2 Language and So Variation
4.2.1 Language and So Backgrounds
4.2.2 Language and Occupation
4.3 Bilingualism and Multiculturalism
4.3.1 Monolingualism vs. Bilingualism
4.3.2 Multiculturalism
4.4 Workshop
4.4.1 Speech and Identity
4.4.2 Language and Gender
4.4.3 Language and Nation
4.4.4 The Language of Stock Exchanges
4.4.5 Multilingualism and Translation Problems in the European
Suggested Readings
Part 5 Intercultural Discourse 語篇與社會
5.1 Culture and Speech Acts
5.1.1 Communication and Speech Acts
5.1.2 Speech Acts and Culture
5.2 Culture and Politeness
5.2.1 The Notion of Face and Politeness Strategies
5.2.2 Politeness Strategies of Involvement and Independence
5.3 Culture and Discourse Patterns
5.3.1 Culture and Discourse Structure
5.3.2 Cultural Patterns of Rhetoric
5.4 Workshop
5.4.1 Different Cultures, Different Speech Act Sets
5.4.2 Chinese EFL Students' Characteristic Paragraph and Essay
5.4.3 An Illustration of a Typical Chinese Discourse Pattern
5.4.4 A Comparison of New Year Messages
5.4.5 Discussion of the Application of the Notion of Genre in
Suggested Readings
商品基本信息,請以下列介紹為準 | |
商品名稱: | 翻譯與跨文化交際 |
作者: | 陳建平 |
市場價: | 35.9元 |
文軒網價: | 28.7元【80折】 |
ISBN號: | 9787513524476 |
出版社: | 外語教學與研究出版社 |
商品類型: | 圖書 |
其他參考信息(以實物為準) | ||
裝幀:平裝 | 開本:16開 | 語種:中英雙語 |
出版時間:2012-09-01 | 版次:1 | 頁數:238 |
印刷時間:2012-09-01 | 印次:1 | 字數: |
內容簡介 | |
《翻譯與跨文化交際》教材旨在從若干層面將翻譯學生引入語言、文化與跨文化交際領域,著力幫助他們較全面地了解和認識語言與文化的內在聯系以及語言翻譯過程中可能涉及的跨文化問題,為翻譯學習與實踐打下一定的語言文化和跨文化交際的知識基礎。 |
作者簡介 | |
陳建平,廣東外語外貿大學黨委書記 |
目錄 | |
Part 1 Intercultural Communication in Translation 1.1 The Interconnectedness Between Translation and Intercultural Communication 1.2 Approaches to Intercultural Communication Studies 1.2.1 The Scope of Intercultural Communication 1.2.2 The Rationale for Intercultural Communication Studies 1.2.3 Intercultural, Intracultural and Cross-cultural Communication 1.2.4 The Contextual Model and the Sociolinguistic Approach 1.3 The Themes of This Introductory Course 1.4 Workshop 1.4.1 Translation and Studies in Communication & Culture 1.4.2 The Problems of Translation and Equivalence 1.4.3 Translatability of Cultural Perspectives 1.4.4 Practice in Translating Culture Suggested Readings Part 2 Language and Communication 語言與交際 2.1 Understanding Communication 2.1.1 The Process of Communication 2.1.2 The Features of Human Communication 2.1.3 The Relationship Between Communication and Culture 2.1.4 Dimensions for Assessing Communicative Differences Across Cultures 2.2 Understanding Language and Communication 2.2.1 The Nature of Language as Communication 2.2.2 The Patterns and Functions of Communication 2.3 Understanding the Concept of Communicative Competence 2.3.1 Defining a Competent Communicator 2.3.2 Implications for Foreign Language Learning and Translation Practice 2.4 Workshop 2.4.1 Basic Notions in the Analysis 2.4.2 A Comparative Analysis of a Communicative Event Across Cultures 2.4.3 A Comparative Analysis of Bilingual Introductions to Universities in China Suggested Readings Part 3 Language and Culture 語言與文化 3.1 Understanding Culture 3.1.1 The Nature of Culture 3.1.2 The Basic Elements of Culture 3.2 Language and Cultural Thought Patterns 3.2.1 Language and Cultural Perception 3.2.2 Language and Thought Patterns 3.3 Language and Cultural Contexts 3.3.1 High-context Culture vs. Low-context Culture 3.3.2 Individualistic vs. Collectivistic Cultural Context 3.4 Workshop 3.4.1 Cultural Presuppositions 3.4.2 Differences in Cultural Presupposition 3.4.3 Structural Differences vs. Cultural Differences 3.4.4 An Illustration of Language and Context 3.4.5 Culture Shock Suggested Readings Part 4 Language and Society 語言與社會 4.1 Language and Language Varieties 4.1.1 Language and Variation 4.1.2 Language and Dialect 4.2 Language and So Variation 4.2.1 Language and So Backgrounds 4.2.2 Language and Occupation 4.3 Bilingualism and Multiculturalism 4.3.1 Monolingualism vs. Bilingualism 4.3.2 Multiculturalism 4.4 Workshop 4.4.1 Speech and Identity 4.4.2 Language and Gender 4.4.3 Language and Nation 4.4.4 The Language of Stock Exchanges 4.4.5 Multilingualism and Translation Problems in the European Union Suggested Readings Part 5 Intercultural Discourse 語篇與社會 5.1 Culture and Speech Acts 5.1.1 Communication and Speech Acts 5.1.2 Speech Acts and Culture 5.2 Culture and Politeness 5.2.1 The Notion of Face and Politeness Strategies 5.2.2 Politeness Strategies of Involvement and Independence 5.3 Culture and Discourse Patterns 5.3.1 Culture and Discourse Structure 5.3.2 Cultural Patterns of Rhetoric 5.4 Workshop 5.4.1 Different Cultures, Different Speech Act Sets 5.4.2 Chinese EFL Students' Characteristic Paragraph and Essay Structure 5.4.3 An Illustration of a Typical Chinese Discourse Pattern 5.4.4 A Comparison of New Year Messages 5.4.5 Discussion of the Application of the Notion of Genre in Translation Suggested Readings References參考書目 |
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