商品名稱: | 語用遷移與二語水平的關系研究--基于拒絕言語行為的實證調查(精) |
作者: | 盧加偉//張曉莉 | 開本: | 32開 |
原價: | 35
| 頁數: | 201 |
現價: | 29.7 | 出版時間 | 2009-11-01 |
ISBN號: | 9787030258205 | 印刷時間: | 2009-11-01 |
出版社: | 科學 | 版次: | 1 |
商品類型: | 圖書 | 印次: | 1 |
前言 Acknowledgements 導讀 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Origin of theResearch 1.2 Method of the Research 1.3 Organization of the BookChapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Speech Act Theory 2.2 Refusalsacross Cultures 2.2.1 Rubin's Study 2.2.2 Liao and Bresnahan'sStudy 2.2.3 Nelson et al.'s Study 2.2.4 Wang Aihua's Study 2.3Concepts of Language Trafer and Pragmatic Trafer 2.3.1 LanguageTrafer 2.3.2 Pragmatic Trafer 2.4 Major Studies on Pragmatic Traferin Speech Acts 2.4.1 Studies on Pragmatic Trafer in Other SpeechActs 2.4.2 Studies on Pragmatic Trafer in Refusal Speech Act 2.5Studies on the Relatiohip between L2 Proficiency and PragmaticTrafer Chapter 3 Research Design and Theoretical Framework 3.1Research Questio 3.2 Research Methodology 3.2.1 Subjects 3.2.2Itruments 3.2.3 Data Analysis 3.3 An Operational Criterion forDiscussing Pragmatic Trafer 3.3.1 Necessary Evidence forIdentifying the Occurrence of Pra~natic Trafer 3.3.2 A BasicPrinciple for Pragmatic Trafer Identification 3.3.3 Defining theDegree of Discrepancy 3.3.4 Pragmatic Trafer Reclassified 3.4 AHypothesis on the Relatiohip between L2 Linguistic Proficiency andL1 Pragmatic Trafer 3.4.1 A Working Criterion to Judge theRelatiohip between L2 Linguistic Proficiency and L1 PragmaticTrafer 3.4.2 A Hypothesis on the Relatiohip between L2 LinguisticProficiency and L1 Pragmatic Trafer 3.5 Main Theories Employed inDiscussing Pragmatic Trafer 3.5.1 Politeness Theory 3.5.2 Gile'sAccommodation Theory 3.6 A General Research Procedure of the StudyChapter 4 Pragmatic Trafer in Chinese EFL Learne' Refusals 4.1Evidences of Pragmatic Trafer in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas4.1.1 Evidences of Pragmatic Trafer in the Frequency of SemanticFormulas in Refusals to Requests 4.1.2 Evidences of PragmaticTrafer in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals toInvitatio 4.1.3 Evidences of Pragmatic Trafer in the Frequency ofSemantic Formulas in Refusals to Suggestio 4.1.4 Evidences ofPragmatic Trafer in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusalsto Offe 4.2 Evidences of Pragmatic Trafer in the Order of SemanticFormulas 4.2.1 Evidences of Pragmatic Trafer in the Order ofSemantic Formulas in Refusals to Requests 4.2.2 Evidences ofPragmatic Trafer in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals toInvitatio 4.2.3 Evidences of Pragmatic Trafer in the Order ofSemantic Formulas in Refusals to Suggestio 4.2.4 Evidences ofPragmatic Trafer in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals toOffe 4.3 Discussio on Pragmatic Trafer in L2 Refusals 4.3.1 Typesof Pragmatic Trafer in the Speech Act of Refusal 4.3.2 Influencesof Eliciting Facto on Pragmatic Trafer Chapter 5 The Relatiohipbetween L2 Proficiency and L1 Pragmatic Trafer 5.1 The Relatiohipbetween Proficiency and Pragmatic Trafer in the Frequency ofSemantic Formulas in Each Refusal Eliciting Factor 5.1.1 TheRelatiohip in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals toRequests 5.1.2 The Relatiohip in the Frequency of Semantic Formulasin Refusals to Invitatio 5.1.3 The Relatiohip in the Frequency ofSemantic Formulas in Refusals to Suggestio 5.1.4 The Relatiohip inthe Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Offe 5.2 TheRelatiohip between Proficiency and Pragmatic Trafer in the Order ofSemantic Formulas in Each Refusal Eliciting Factor 5.2.1 TheRelatiohip in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals toRequests 5.2.2 The Relatiohip in the Order of Semantic Formulas inRefusals to Invitatio 5.2.3 The Relatiohip in the Order of SemanticFormulas in Refusals to Suggestio 5.2.4 The Relatiohip in the Orderof Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Offe 5.3 Discussio on theRelatiohip between L2 Proficiency and L1 Pragmatic Trafer in theRefusal Speech Act 5.3.1 The Influence of Eliciting Facto on theRelatiohip between L2 Proficiency and L1 Pragmatic Trafer 5.3.2Other Facto Affecting the Relatiohip between Linguistic Proficiencyand Pragmatic Trafer 5.3.3 Hypothesis Testing: the Relatiohipbetween L2 Proficiency and L1 Pragmatic Trafer 5.3.4 TheAcquisition Expectation for the Relatiohip between L2 Proficiencyand L1 Pragmatic Trafer: Positive or Negative? Chapter 6 CausalFacto for Pragmatic Trafer and Reassessment of Its Role in SLA 6.1Causal Facto for Pragmatic Trafer 6.1.1 Learner-external Facto forPragmatic Trafer 6.1.2 Learner-internal Facto for Pragmatic Trafer6.2 Reassessment of the Role of Pragmatic Trafer in SLA Chapter 7Major Findings and Prospects for Future Studies 7.1 Major Findingsof the Present Study 7.2 Significance of the Research 7.3 Prospectsfor Future Studies on Pragmatic Trafer Bibliography Appendix IDiscoue Completion Test Appendix II Discoue Completion Test[Chinese Veion] Appendix III Classification of Refusals [Beebe etal. (1990)] Appendix IV Classification of Refusals (Revised Veionfor This Book)