商品名稱: | 語言學習與新技術(北京大學第二屆英語教學國際研討會論文集)/語言學論叢 |
作者: | 李淑靜//高彥梅 | 開本: | 16開 |
原價: | 70
| 頁數: | 454 |
現價: | 56.5 | 出版時間 | 2010-03-01 |
ISBN號: | 9787301171417 | 印刷時間: | 2010-03-01 |
出版社: | 北京大學 | 版次: | 1 |
商品類型: | 圖書 | 印次: | 1 |
Contents Globalisation and Australia's Higher EducationItrumentality-oriented or Humanity-oriented in Foreign LanguageTeaching? English Learning in China: In Search of New IdentitiesCan Conveation Analysis Shed Light on Language Acquisition? WhyLanguages and Language Research Matter Language Learning asInteraction and Multimodal Communication The Iider Effect inChinese Interpeonal Relatiohips in Intercultural CommunicationDifferences between Learne of Higher and Lower Starting ProficiencyLevels as Revealed by Evaluation Results Effects ofProficiency-based Pair Pattern on Focus on Form duringCollaborative Dialogue-An Empirical Study in the Chinese EFLContext Learn to Say It in a Different Voice--On the PsychologicalProcess of Chinese EFL Learne Learning English Exposition WritingThe Effective Integration of Multimedia Teaching Model andTask-based Teaching Approach in English Teaching Language Learningas Interaction Behavior CALL and Language Learning AnEmail-assisted Mode of Teaching College English Developing OralCommunicative Competence: The Affordances of Language Exchange viaSkype Learne' Evaluation of Online Learning Resources The AmericanShort Story through Film: Literature and Multimedia in CollegeEnglish Teaching The Principles and Practice of SummativeEvaluation of CALL Software-The Evaluation of the New PepectiveEnglish Learning System Applying the Model of Digital LiteracyAssessment in New Horizon College English Teaching The Effect ofAutonomous Assisted Listening Coue on CET4 Results-An EmpiricalStudy at the Ititute of Tourism The Design and Evaluation ofEnglish Testing Item Bank--The Evaluation of College English TestBank A Study on the Student-centered Teaching Model in Audio-videoSpeaking Class in CALL Environments Research on the Human-aidedAuto-assessment System for Online Tralation Tests of CollegeEnglish One Step Forward toward Learner Autonomy--IntegratingProject-based CALL into College English Teaching Reflectio onCorpus-based College English Teaching Toward a Virtual EnglishLearning Community--The Role of Computer-mediated Communication inSecond Language Acquisition A Survey of the Use of theComputer/Internet in Post-class English Interactio Roles of TeacherAutonomy in Promoting CALL Discoue Analysis and Language LearningAn Empirical Study on the Correlation between English AnaphoricPronou and Chinese Zero Anaphora A Cognitive Text Analysis of TheArt of Living A Cognitive Pepective to Intertextuality in L2Writing Multimodality in CDs Attached to English Textbooks CanLexical Cohesion Increase Guessing Ability in Reading? Turn Takingin Conveation. A Step Forward to Hills Like White Elephants A Studyof Prototype Theory and its Application to the Teaching of CollegeEnglish Writing English Teaching The Study on Content Validity ofthe Cloze Tests in the NMET of Beijing (2006--2008) The Challengesof Globalization on Teaching Listening Compreheion and TheirSolutio in China Teaching Metapho as a Cultural Tool SecondLanguage Reading and Researches into its Teaching Policy From aTeacher-learner's Pepective: Reflectio on Foreign LanguageClassroom Learning and Teaching in China ~ A Quantitative Study ofStudent Respoes to Video Use in the Language Classroom Chinesenon-English-major Undergraduates' Perception of an Elective Coue ofEnglish Pronunciation Puuit of English Literacy An Investigation onChinese Students' L2 Phonological Knowledge and their ListeningClass Thoughts on China's College English Reform and TextbookDevelopment Identity and Language Learning A Comparative Study ofDifferences in Writing Strategies among Chinese EFL Learne, OveeasChinese ESL Learne, and Northern American ENL Learne UndetandingLearne' Self-Identity in L2 Learning Non-English Majo'Self-Identity Change at Different English Proficiency Levels-AnInvestigation of College Junio in a Key Polytechnic Univeity AnEmpirical Study on Easing Test Anxiety of English Majo in ListeningCompreheion Test Discoue Cotruction of Teacher's MultipleIdentities. A Case Study of an M.A. Thesis Defence The DiscuiveTurn and Reading Compreheion Modern and Postmodernist Positio ofLanguage Learning in A Chinese Univeity Classroom 編后記