1.“Evaluating the Effectiveness of Washington State Repeated Job Search Services on the Employment Rate of Prime-age Female Welfare Recipients”, with Cheng Hsiao, Boqing Wang, Greg Weeks, Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming.
2.“Grassroots Democracy and Income Distribution”, with Yang Yao, Journal of Public Economics, forthcoming.
3.“Bank Size and SME Lending: Evidences from China”, with Minggao Shen, Zhong Xu, and Ying Bai, World Development, forthcoming.
4.“Grassroots Democracy, Accountability and Income Distribution”, with Yao Yang, book chapter in China, India, and Beyond, the proceedings of the 2007 GDN/Beijing conference, forthcoming.
5.“Evaluating the Impacts of Washington State Repeated Job Search Services on the Earnings of Prime-age Female TANF Recipients”, with Cheng Hsiao, Boqing Wang, Greg Weeks, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2007, 453-475.
6.“Demand for Education in China”, coauthored with Gregory Chow, International Economic Journal, June 2006.
7.“Money, Price Level and Output in the Chinese Macro Economy”, with Gregory Chow, Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, January 2006, pp.91-111.
8.“Aggregate vs. Disaggregate Data Analysis – A Paradox in the Estimation of Money Demand Function of Japan Under the Low Interest Rate Policy,” with Cheng Hsiao and Hiroshi Fujiki., Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 20, No. 5, 2005, pp. 579-601.
9.“Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth – the Importance of Institutions and Urbanization”, with Cheng Hsiao, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2003, Vol.51, No. 4, 883 - 896.
10.“Is There a Stable Money Function Under the Low Interest Rate Policy? – A Panel Data Analysis”, with Cheng Hsiao and Hiroshi Fujiki, Monetary and Economic Studies, 2002, 20 (2), 1 – 23.