- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(英)舒茨 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787510004513
- 出版日期:2009-6-1
1 Some basic mathematics
1.1 The space Rn and its topology
1.2 Mappings
1.3 Real analysis
1.4 Group theory
1.5 Linear algebra
1.6 The algebra of square matrices
1.7 Bibliography
2 Dffferentiable manifolds and tensors
2.1 Def'mition of a manifold
2.2 The sphere as a manifold
2.3 Other examples of manifolds
2.4 Global considerations
2.5 Curves
2.6 Functions on M
2.7 Vectors and vector fields
2.8 Basis vectors and basis vector fields
2.9 Fiber bundles
2.10 Examples of fiber bundles
2.11 A deeper look at fiber bundles
2.12 Vector fields and integral curves
2.13 Exponentiation of the operator d/dZ
2.14 Lie brackets and noncoordinate bases
2.15 When is a basis a coordinate basis?
2.16 One-forms
2.17 Examples of one-forms
2.18 The Dirac delta function
2.19 The gradient and the pictorial representation of a one-form
2.20 Basis one-forms and components of one-forms
2.21 Index notation
2.22 Tensors and tensor fields
2.23 Examples of tensors
2.24 Components of tensors and the outer product
2.25 Contraction
2.26 Basis transformations
2.27 Tensor operations on components
2.28 Functions and scalars
2.29 The metric tensor on a vector space
2.30 The metric tensor field on a manifold
2.31 Special relativity
2.32 Bibliography
3 Lie derivatives and Lie groups
3.1 Introduction: how a vector field maps a manifold into itself
3.2 Lie dragging a function
3.3 Lie dragging a vector field
3.4 Lie derivatives
3.5 Lie derivative of a one-form
3.6 Submanifolds
3.7 Frobenius' theorem (vector field version)
3.8 Proof of Frobenius' theorem
3.9 An example: the generators ors2
3.10 Invariance
3.11 Killing vector fields
3.12 Killing vectors and conserved quantities in particle dynamics
3.13 Axial symmetry
3.14 Abstract Lie groups
3.15 Examples of Lie groups
3.16 Lie algebras and their groups
3.17 Realizations and representatidns
3.18 Spherical symmetry, spherical harmonics and representations of the rotation group
3.19 Bibliography
4 Differential forms A The algebra and integral calculus of forms
4.1 Definition of volume - the geometrical role of differential forms
4.2 Notation and definitions for antisymmetric tensors
4.3 Differential forms
4.4 Manipulating differential forms
4.5 Restriction of forms
4.6 Fields of forms
5 Applications in physics A Thermodynamics
6 Connections for Riemannian manifolds and gauge theories
Appendix: solutions and hints for selected exercises
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