- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787560088587
- 出版日期:2009-8-1
Thanks and acknowledgements
How to make best use of this book
What is a large multilevel class?
Benefits and challenges of the large multilevel class
Eleven principles of coping in large multilevel classes
1 Getting to know our students
Learning their names
1.1 Name toss
1.2 Picture it
1.3 Names as crosswords
1.4 The story of my name
1.5 Names and adjectives
1.6 I am and I love
1.7 Desk placards
1.8 Use real pictures
Learning about our students' lives
1.9 The letter
1.10 Guess who?
1.11 Three things about me
1.12 Mutual interviews
1.13 The missing person announcement
1.14 Managing my time
1.15 Formal introductions
2 Motivation and activation
2.1 Burst the balloon- expressing opinions
2.2 The preference line - explaining yourself
2.3 The quick-write
2.4 Like, dislike, or neutral
2.5 What's your number?
2.6 Again and again and again
2.7 Friendship
2.8 More about friendship
2.9 People I admire
2.10 Special places
2.11 Dreams I have
2.12 How I feel now
2.13 Slip exchange
2.14 Flip-flop books
2.15 Frame it
2.16 Colored round robin
2.17 Circle talk
2.18 Teaming up
2.19 Needle in a haystack
2.20 Optimistic snapshots
2.21 Words on cards
2.22 A solution for the problem
2.23 Student-centered dictation
2.24 The seminar
3 Reviewing while maintaining interest and momentum
3.1 Answers into questions
3.2 Review posters
3.3 Student-made quickie quizzes
3.4 Group reviews
3.5 Group summaries
3.6 Vocabulary wall
3.7 Class goals
3.8 The KWL procedure
3.9 The Venn diagram
3.10 Judging people
3.11 Running dictation
3.12 My sentence
3.13 Where is my other half?
3.14 Person, place or thing
4 Dealing with written work
4.1 Keep it going
4.2 Peer reviews
4.3 Writing conferences
4.4 Write before you talk
4.5 Buddy journals
4.6 Using email
5 Working well in groups
6 Individualizing and personalizing student work
7 Making students responsible for their own learning
8 Establishing routines and procedures
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